A Listed Monday
Fact of life is no matter if your weekend is jam-packed full of things to do or leisurely and at your own pace – Monday arrives on time. Without fail. Every.single.week.
It was a weekend of leisurely and at our own pace though – which was a good follow up to last weekend’s busy-ness.
There was some dining in and dining out – and we celebrated Steve’s birthday. There were also some reality checks like laundry and checking things off the to-do list. But, it was balanced.
This week is full – I have some follow up things to do from last week and today begins Just Five Things with Michelle GD! Today’s lists are all about gratitude and I hope to fill my lists with unexpected things as my day progresses.
This weekend also brought the reality that my diet journey will now be a solo gig going forward. Honestly, I am very scared of this. Really. I have yet to figure out how I am going to make that work and I still have a very long way to go, but I welcome any and all suggestions.
This weekend there was absolutely no knitting either. That might be the longest stretch that I have gone without picking up a project since before I started knitting! Hopefully today will bring some time to remedy that most distressing situation!
That is all I have for this busy Monday morning! How is your Monday unfolding?