by Kat | Jan 4, 2021 | General, In This Moment
Happy First Monday in January! There might be a wee bit of excitement in my house this morning as Steve returns to his “usual schedule” this week…whew! LOL
My day is full of so many things from laundry to Undecorating to OLW contemplation… a truly varied list. I am hoping that laundry becomes less “mundane” when paired with OLW contemplation.
This short poem that I listened to yesterday was so full! It is going to be my guide for a January of quiet contemplation. I hope you find something in these words to help your January get off to a very good start! See you all back here on Wednesday for some “first finishes” of the New Year!
Winter Is the Best Time
by David Budbill
Winter is the best time
to find out who you are.
Quiet, contemplation time,
away from the rushing world,
cold time, dark time, holed-up
pulled-in time and space
to see that inner landscape,
that place hidden and within.
David Budbill, “Winter Is the Best Time” from While We’ve Still Got Feet. © 2015 by David Budbill.
by Kat | Nov 9, 2020 | General, In This Moment
Every election is determined by the people who show up. — Larry J. Sabato, Pendulum Swing
There was no magic at all in last week’s election, it was simply counting the votes of the people who showed up! (and show up they did!) But I fear we will need some magic to heal the rift in this nation.
There is absolutely something magical about transforming a bit of fiber into yarn. I spent quite a bit of time on Thursday ignoring the news media and instead I focused on plying my singles! I did this while watching The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix. It is was so good! That combination – spinning and watching – was the perfect diversion from the angst of the day! I am happy with the end results, although it needs a bit more twist, which is, thankfully, easily fixed!
It’s not perfect, but I love how it turned out.
The other simply magical thing has been the weather these past few days! Sunny, cloudless skies and mild temps meant that we braved the “world” and sat outside (in NOVEMBER!!) and enjoyed lunch and some beers at Spoonwood Brewing. It was the perfect way to wind down the week (and eating wings is not conducive to doom scrolling on your phone…lol)
The other magical thing of the weekend was this soup!! (I hope the link works…if not, let me know) What an unexpected treat! The rice makes the broth so silky. It is my new favorite Chicken Soup with Rice!
And finally, two last simply magical things.
This one is just so awesome!
And this…
Make some Monday Magic people! See you all back here tomorrow with my look back on October!
by Kat | Oct 26, 2020 | General, In This Moment
We are the ones we have been waiting for. — The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation
I have been in dire need of a shake up here at my blog and late last week some inspiration struck. It started with a quote by a some unknown genius: It’s just another Magic Monday and those simple words led me down the most glorious of rabbit holes on the internet. Such. Fun. Inspirational. Things!
One of the things I discovered was the Hopi Elder Statement and it really moved me. There is so much wisdom contained in this simple statement. The analogies are just so perfect for our Pandemic Lives right now… which most days does indeed feel like a very fast flowing river and here I am desperately trying to cling to the shore and find some normalcy in the abnormal. Maybe I do need to push away from the shore and look around at all of you here with me… and do a little more celebrating!! We started that celebrating with the successful installation (in less than an hour!!) of a new and no longer leaking kitchen faucet! While we feel accomplished in our plumbing debut…Steve is not quitting his day job! But it was infinitely worth the time we spent on Saturday morning.
You might have heard that Pandemic Winter is coming! Did you, like me, miss this really uplifting Life Kit episode…which is made even more brilliant by the comic by La Johnson! This for me was the best motivation: “There is something so satisfying about doing something for future you!” Why, yes there is. So this week, I have added an absolute must-have to my list… refill the LP gas canister for our patio heater. My future self will thank me when we are a wee bit warmer outside as the days get much cooler!
The other thing on my list this week is to figure out Google Meet so that our knit night is less of a hassle (free Zoom is awesome, but 40 minutes is just not enough time!)
So this week… let’s “Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.”
Who’s with me?
by Kat | Oct 2, 2020 | General, In This Moment
Another week draws to a close with its own set of hiccups. I had hoped to have found more nuggets of time to feed my Acorn Obsession, but I think the diversion is one I would not trade for anything. And while I cannot share photos, I can tell you that I have a new granddaughter – Olivia Margaret and she is hale and healthy. Mother and baby are settling in just fine.
Yesterday I started the palest pink BSJ for her and managed to get a good start on it. I am making my way through the decreases and hope to find LOTS of knitting time this weekend so it can be finished next week and on its way to her!
My acorn bowl is sitting on the dining room table and I am eager to return to filling it. I love how I am using up the left over bits from Winston’s sweater. And, with luck, there might even be a pale pink acorn joining soon!
It felt so good to slam the door shut on September, whew… it was a rough month. I am debating with myself about even doing a September Look Back… and the don’t do it voice is winning right now. Thank you all for your kind thoughts regarding my struggle.
This morning I am trying to figure out how best to work on my budding phrenology chart as the days progress. It took me so long to get it set up… lots of erasing, lots of *hard* math because of course October has 31 days, thankyouverymuch. I have been thinking and thinking of how best to make this work in the flow of my days… and honestly, I don’t think a “circle” is the answer. I am toying with ideas… stay tuned.
In the “best Tweet of the Day” Category: @iamKimRL won hands down. This tweet… (and of course she did!)
Because we are all still in the Stay at Home Boat, I really appreciated this Fall TV Preview from NPR. There are lots of interesting things there… something for everyone!
Gudrun Johnston’s Shetland Trader hit my email-box this week with a gorgeous sweater! (Rav Link). There is a woman’s and a unisex version (you get both with pattern purchase!) This green version made me stop, wow! And you can see a Plethora of Porty Pullover’s here on IG!
And my “informed delivery” email from the Post Office tells me that TODAY our mail in ballots arrive! Wahooo! By the end of the day I will have cast my ballot and will be hand delivering it to the drop-off site in Carnegie. Have you planned your vote? There is still time!
That is all I have for this week! Have a fantastic weekend everyone and I will see you all back here next week!
by Kat | Feb 1, 2019 | General, In This Moment
“Why is equality so assiduously avoided? Why does white America delude itself, and how does it rationalize the evil it retains? – Martin Luther King Jr.
Hello, Friday and Welcome February! The January that seemed to go on forever has finally ended and a new month is upon us! Add to that each day there are a few more minutes of daylight are such a good thing! It is sometimes surprising how quickly those minutes add up!
Thinking about – Black History Month and today, I begin the 28-day journey with Layla F. Saad and her Me and White Supremacy workbook. I have been thinking about this with some trepidation – I don’t think any of us are happy to learn unpleasant things about ourselves but, I think that is the only way to truly change – seeing clearly and altering your course. I have also spent some time thinking about Dr. King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail. I do not want to be a “white moderate” that is a grave disappointment.
Grateful for – All the wool clothing and a nice warm house this week and although next week looks like quite a warming trend is heading our way – it was nice to have so many wool sweaters to wear to help me stay warm! I am also grateful that despite The Great Fall my Amaryllis took this week, it continues to bloom! Note to self…find something to be grateful about in all situations and be more like the Amaryllis – keep blooming despite great calamity!
Inspired to – begin again! Daily photos, one second videos, and daily stitching had fallen off my radar and a new month gives me a new opportunity to correct that! The stitching project that I finished this week is waiting for the next step – a little bath and then framing. The little bird is coming together nicely, and I am going to join Christina the next 60-some-days and focus on peace. While I won’t be knitting any birds, I plan to stitch a few more!
Fun, fun, fun – This weekend is the Super Bowl – which seems a bit anti-climactic since the Steeler’s are not one of the teams playing. I think Steve is more excited about the “football food” than he is about watching the game however, he has several squares in the work football pool so we will watch at least part of the game! And, a football game always makes for excellent knitting time! Ha!
That is all I have for this week! Have a great weekend and stay warm everyone!