Sometimes Monday | 6.7.21
Is time for a big brain dump! I spent lots of time thinking this weekend… about so many things! And yes, I even managed to get some sleep! Thank goodness!! And!! I found some impatiens! (Go Home Depot! lol) There was lots of outdoor work…perfect for thinking and thinking and more thinking!
Some topics percolated to the top of the thought process often and that is what I am sharing today… Hot topics, one and all!
To Mask, or Not to Mask….that is the question! Pennsylvania “opened up” completely last weekend…but what does that actually mean in Masking Life? For me… not much. Over the weekend we did some shopping We went to the state store to get some bourbon (priorities, people!) and the sign on the door asked people to please wear masks. No problem… I had mine on as did every other customer and employee. And then comes the Maskless Woman… you could watch people move away from her as she navigated the store. It was comforting knowing that I wasn’t the only person who was a bit concerned because in my mind the Maskless Woman was not thinking about anyone but herself and I figured she was not vaccinated either (because you know I judge people…especially when I shouldn’t!) We also went to Home Depot and inside was a mixed bag of masks versus no masks (even employee’s were a mixed bag of wearing/not wearing.)
I also went to physical church this weekend where, despite state guidelines, we are not at full capacity and masks are required for entry! But we sang two hymns (masked) and it felt so good. There was even a baptism! And yes, that made me even happier that we were all masked and distanced from that wee little baby! Which brings me to what I have been thinking about….even though Allegheny County has had less than 50 new cases of COVID a day for several weeks, there is still a large segment of the population that are not yet vaccinated. I know that you all might have different opinions on this and that is okay. But for me…until it is safe for ALL… I am happy wearing my mask and going back to what Dr. Fauci said at the beginning of this nightmare… I wear my mask to keep YOU safe.
The Great Hair Debate is my next hot topic… or should I say Hot Mess Topic! Because that is what my hair feels like most of the time these days… but what do I actually want to do with it? Trim and keep growing? Throw caution to the wind and!? Or take a safer route and go for something a little shorter but not all.gone. Who knew that after all this time, I’d actually be afraid to go the salon because doing so would mean I’d have to make an actual decision! My plan is to spend some time surfing the Pinterest Hair Boards for inspiration that will move me beyond Hot Mess Hair Days!
The Close Second Hot Topic involves makeup… I have not worn any makeup for so long… I mean 18-ish months long! (And a couple coats of mascara for Zoom absolutely does not count…) Going “out into the world” in Pre-Pandemic Times took some time… moisturizer, foundation, powder, under eye cream, blush, eyeshadow, and yes… some color on my lips. Enter Pandemic Days and the Great Break from that entire routine. My days were so simple… moisturizer and sometimes mascara. That was it. And I think my skin loved the break as well. Then “Gradual Re-Entry” began and so did the make up ordeal… which is exactly what it felt like after so many months of no makeup – an ordeal. Plus… did any of you forget exactly how to “do” makeup? Yeah, me too. But try I did… more than once and my skin absolutely did not like the old routine… at all! So I am rethinking my “idea” of what looks “good” when going “out into the world.” Why is this requiring so much thought? Well, years of the belief that you did not leave the house without “your face on”…am I right? Except there’s this…I don’t know what to say about myself if I think that all those steps mean I look better than I do with a clean face…and that is the saddest commentary there ever was! Am I comfortable in my own skin… yes, I think so… but being comfortable in just your own skin in public? Put that way it seems simple, but maybe what I need is just a simpler routine.
And there you have my Monday Brain Dump! What about you? What’s rattling around your brain right now?
Happy Monday everyone and I will see you all back here on Wednesday!