by Kat | Jan 6, 2011 | General, Words
The Party of No is becoming the Party of Can’t!
That is right, the GOP who gained some great satisfaction in saying “no, no, no” to almost everything is about to become the Party of Can’t in a big way.
It seems, my fellow American, that unless you are fortunate to have health insurance coverage from your employer, the GOP is going to do everything in their power to overturn “Obama-care.”
It is a bit like a Seinfeld episode gone badly with the GOP in the role of the Soup Nazi and they are yelling “No insurance for you!”
Because after all, a nation that cares for the health and well-being of its citizens is not realistic. It just can’t be done!
by Kat | Sep 11, 2010 | General, Words
This was the evening sky when I got home from work last night. The days are definitely growing shorter and the nights cooler.
Autumn, it seems, is soon to be here.
Today marks the 9th Anniversary of the Day the Terrorists Made an Impact on the United States. We grew up quickly and joined our neighbors in the world with a first hand understanding of just how painful this lesson was.
The weather here today seemed to be in mourning and somber as well; it was dreary, raining, and somber all day.
The one good thing about being American is that no matter what our political differences are – today we stand united in remembrance of those who lost a loved one, no matter what creed, color, religion, or nationality. It is a sentiment we should embrace all year, not just today.
We all would be better people if we were more tolerant of those who are different than we are.
Here is hoping you all spent some time reflecting today.
by Kat | Sep 9, 2010 | General, Words
“We’re praying for rain and snow and anything else that can cause a problem.” ~ Andrew Brenner
There has been much in the news this week about 9/11 as we approach the 9th anniversary of that tragedy. However, apparently, prejudice and hatred is not a lesson we learned.
Lest you think that not true, the pastor (and I use the term loosely) from an evangelical fundamentalist church in Gainesville Florida is here to prove us all wrong.
On Saturday, he and his congregants will set some 200 copies of the Qur’an on fire to honor the 2,996 people who died that day. Perhaps this misguided pastor needs a reminder that the deceased represented more than 90 countries, some of whom were Muslim.
I truly wonder what Bible this church is using in their worship practices, because the one that I use calls for us to be “a light shining on a hill” and encourages us to “love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.” I do not believe that setting the Qur’an on fire is the kind of light Jesus was speaking about nor does that act show any love, mercy, or concern for anyone.
by Kat | Jul 22, 2010 | General, Words
A little light dispels a lot of darkness – Rabbi Schneur Zalman
If you have not heard of Mark Williams, I am about to introduce you to him, and while it is not a pleasant introduction I believe it is necessary.
Mr. Williams’s infamy is growing, specifically surrounding some statements he made recently. He is not only a member of the Tea Party movement but apparently a leader as well, and personally, if I were ever so inclined to become a member of this organization, which is highly unlikely, this would make me resign.
Mr. Williams is obviously a blind and ignorant bigot, but what surprises me is the lack of outcry from fellow Tea Partiers about his disgusting statements. While many bloggers, pundits, and reporters have shed some light on Mr. Williams and his comments there has been very little, if any, protest from the people who classify themselves as Tea Party Movement Members.
It causes one to believe that all Tea Partiers are of like mind, does it not? What is it that they say about birds of a feather…?
by Kat | Mar 26, 2010 | General, Words
We have seen an historic event happen this week, the victory for all of us with the passing of the Health Care Reform over the weekend.
However, apparently this was not something that some of the citizens of this land were excited about.
In fact, they were so not happy about it that they have determined that they have the right to threaten those that voted for it…not only threaten, there have evidently been acts of violence against some!
Really people, can you not be more constructive that that?
Who knew that writing a letter intelligently expressing ones disagreement and dissatisfaction was passé?