by Kat | Nov 12, 2016 | General
If he could talk he’d be telling me to put that damned camera away.
Sorry, Sherms – NaBloPoMo marches on!
I hope your Saturday is a bit less grumpy than Sherman’s!
P.S. He really wanted to ignore me like this, but I made him look!

by Kat | Jan 15, 2014 | General
I am bringing the “year of making” to as many aspects of my life as I possibly can, and one very easy way for me to do this is through the meals I make. With some very simple ingredients – farm fresh eggs, milk, cheese, and some diced ham, you can have a very elegant but entirely satisfying dinner. I have based my recipe on Hubert Keller’s recipe for the same. Ham and Cheese Soufflé