TGIF | 8.16.19

TGIF | 8.16.19

Mid-August… yes, I said it. Unbelievably, the month is half over. I am having zero success in my efforts to slow August down and my garden is beginning to show “end of season” signs. All of this is putting me in a bit of a melancholy mood – although I am more than ready for the neighborhood kids to head back to school, thank you very much!

Thrilled —

I don’t know if its just my “Ravelry Pattern Highlights” but I have enjoyed seeing a much more diverse group of models and designers recently! Models are not all 20-something, stick-thin, and white – and I say bravo! It is lovely to see diversity of age, shape, and yes, beautifully multi-cultural! It also makes me so happy that the “never-ravelry” nitwits have seemingly burned themselves out.

Go Sew —

I have spent much of the week pinning and cutting out a bunch of patterns. Honestly, this is my least favorite part of the entire sewing process and I figured that just sitting down and pinning/cutting in assembly line fashion would minimize the pain. As of this morning I have three things cut out, with two to go! In other words – next week will be full of my favorite part of the sewing process – the sewing part! My sewing next week will include: two Uniform Tunics, one Esme Tunic, one pair of Rose Pants, and yes, one Zadie Jumpsuit! I am excited to sit down at my machine with a stack of sewing to work on!

Irritated —

Yes, the aging process has positives, however this week I cannot think of a single one! Perhaps that is because I am focused on the aspects of aging that are just downright irritating. Things like the increased occurrence of UTI’s in postmenopausal women (hello, why yes, I do have another UTI…thank you very much!) and needing a different strength reader to *read* the damned computer monitor! So, this week I am navigating the pitfalls of growing older – and not very gracefully. My irritation is extending to Happy Hour as I am weighing the pros and cons of having a cocktail while on an antibiotic.

Forward looking —

Next weekend Steve has a work function and I am really looking forward to the time by myself! It feels selfish to say that, but boy it is so true!

What about you? Are you looking forward to anything?

That’s all I have for this week! I hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you all back here on Monday!

TGIF | 6.7.19

TGIF | 6.7.19

Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June. – Al Bernstein

June days are simply magical. The light gently wakes me, inviting me to greet the new day. The birds fill the air with their melodies and the low buzzing of the bees join to make the loveliest of harmonies. The lavender is full of velvety purple wands that dance in the breeze. The morning in the garden is my favorite time of the day. And, this morning I was greeted by the first Stella d’Oro daylily – a bittersweet sight because it means the deer will soon be here to snack on the blooms. But that first bloom was a glorious to see!


Yesterday afternoon I finished the last sleeve of my Marsa Alam and this morning it is enjoying a Spa Treatment and will soon be laying out to dry. Pearl buttons will be sewn on this weekend (thank you all for your input!) Pre-blocking this is perhaps the best fitting sweater I have ever knit! The sleeve/shoulder fit is incredible – and can I just gush about Holst Coast yarn a minute? It might be my favorite yarn ever! The stitches are beautifully even, the ribbing looks nice, the hand of the sweater is incredibly inviting, and it is next-to-skin-soft. And, lets talk about value – I purchased a 500 g/3800 yd cone for about $24. Shipping from Denmark is not bad, and it only added about $10 to the cost of the yarn – and you get the most wonderful updates from Holst and PostNord. (Also, PostNord got the yarn to the USA in less than 24 hours, but it took the USPS more than a week to deliver it to my door…) My Marsa Alam used 324g of yarn – so yes, I have more than enough left-over yarn to use to make a Screen Door, which I cast on last night and flew through 8 repeats of the easy to memorize pattern! Knitting wins are such a good feeling!

Getting Ready!

I have a stack of fabrics that have been patiently waiting for me to begin cutting and assembling them into this quilt. Why that quilt? Genevieve is turning 4 next month and my plan is to make that for her birthday! With my new sewing set up, I think that I can manage to do the machine quilting myself. And while I love the overall stippling effect on the linked quilt, I think that will be a bit beyond my very-beginner abilities. However, I think that concentric circles might be lovely… sort of like the stitching I did for this piece:

Inspired by…

Something I saw on Pinterest last night, which made me go to see the original post on IG. I have the tamrack pattern – I picked it up in Grainline’s pattern sale earlier this year but had not been inspired to make one, thinking it would be a good fall project. And then I saw the magic that cjoy2 did with her tamrack (also her artwork…) WOW!! It is not bulky, I love the length, and it is incredibly creative – yet simple! She hand-stitched around the butterflies in the most wonderful way! And, her binding around the edges… it is brilliant!


I absolutely LOVE the MBR’s Rose Pants. They are wonderfully easy to make and to wear. I want to make a pair from a light denim – but denim and pleats or gathers seemed, well – bulky in an area I don’t need any extra bulk! So I had been wondering how hard it would be to remove the pleats/gathers from the front… well, wonder no more thanks to this post, which led me to this post. I have enough fabric to make a muslin trial run pair of shorts with a flattened front! Wish me luck!

And, that is all I have to share with you all for this first Friday in June! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!

TGIF – A Holiday Weekend Edition!

TGIF – A Holiday Weekend Edition!

The weather forecast seems to be attempting to put the kibosh on a glorious welcome to summer:

But I am not going to let the weather stop me from having a good weekend!

In the plus column – I did indeed get my Charity Shawl completed and blocked! Which means I can ease back into my regularly scheduled knitting – which includes my Marsa Alam and a pair of toe-up socks! I have never knit a pair of socks toe-up so this is an entirely new experience for me. I am not sure how I feel about the process compared to my usual sock knitting method, but I will have a better idea once I have gotten to the heel. I am also a bit concerned about the cast off, but hopefully my typical stretchy bind-off will not fail me!

Thinking about:

Sewing! I finished my Rose muslin yesterday. I had made some alterations to the pattern – I shortened the length and I knew I would need to shorten the rise but I was unsure exactly how much to shorten it. And even though I did not quite shorten it enough, it is still a wearable muslin! I used some fabric I got at IKEA a couple of years ago. My original plan was to sew a cushion for the window seat at the top of our stairs, but that never happened and so I thought it would work well for a muslin and it did! The pattern directions are well written and very clear. I tried the pleat option and it was surprisingly easy!  I think the gathered front looks nice as well so I will get some fabric this weekend to make another pair. I think these would work with fun prints, linen, and even a lightweight denim! AND!! They are super comfortable and I predict these will be the Pants of the Summer!

Gearing up for:

The start of Summer Book Bingo! That’s right – any book finishes beginning tomorrow can count for a square! I am ON the “Made into a TV series” square with the first book of Elizabeth George’s Inspector Lynley series – A Great Deliverance. I have high hopes for this book as the reviews on Goodreads are stellar! I started it Wednesday night and should easily have it finished this weekend! It is not to late for you to join in as well! Book Bingo makes summer so much more fun!

Inspired by:

PatternScout! I love this idea of remaking things and giving them a new life. Also, I really love her pattern suggestions – especially the Burda Knot Front Blouse! And, I truly love her “Monologue” especially this: “This hobby has given me so much confidence…creatively and about my body.” YES, so much yes!!

Fun, fun, fun:

I am going to harvest some rhubarb today and have plans to make a batch of Rhubarb-Thyme Syrup. This will come in handy as an addition to some beginning-of-summer-inspired cocktails this weekend – I am thinking about something new with gin. Stay tuned – I will share the recipe next week!

That’s all I have for this week – have an amazing Memorial Day Weekend and I will see you all back here next week!

Hello, April | 4.1.19

Hello, April | 4.1.19

The weekend was full of all kinds of selfish pursuits! There was sewing and reading (and not one stitch of knitting! What??? Really, not one single stitch!)

Perhaps the best thing was this lovely little dress for Genevieve!

But, today these words are filling my mind, the absolute truth of them echoing in my head!

“The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
You know how it is with an April day.
When the sun is out and the wind is still,
You’re one month on in the middle of May.
But if you so much as dare to speak,
a cloud come over the sunlit arch,
And wind comes off a frozen peak,
And, you’re two months back in the middle of March.”

– Robert Frost, Two Tramps in Mud Time, 1926

So, silently I welcome April – hoping to not encourage the clouds and wind to blow us back into March!


TGI-Fotograph Friday | 3.22.19

TGI-Fotograph Friday | 3.22.19

This has been a very mixed bag week, but it is finally Friday, so I am setting the week aside and making room for the weekend!

Tracking my brackets!

This might be my best start of any bracket I have done in years! And, believe me there have been years that my bracket was blown on Day One, but this year I only missed two picks on the first day! And, there were some crazy good games yesterday!! You would think with all this basketball, I’d have some knitting to show for it… think again, lol.

Good plans, bad timing??

So, my plans for knitting yesterday somehow went by the wayside. There was a trip to Costco and then during dinner a conversation started about possibly moving the bedroom furniture around… which then morphed into moving the bedroom furniture around after dinner. Yes, we have completely and totally lost our minds. We managed to get things moved enough to go to bed – but it was not pretty. You know what I am doing today… more bedroom furniture moving!!

Inspired to Sew…

A few Bunny Bags to fill with treats for the kids and Genevieve! These were courtesy of the Bernina We All Sew Newsletter yesterday – and so timely. I would love to join Kym with her latest knitting obsession, but I think the sewing of bunnies might be easier (and quicker) than knitting an army of bunnies!

I also stumbled upon a new-to-me magazine yesterday which has FREE PATTERNS available on their website!

Fotograph Friday!

And, finally – I am joining kmkat again this week with a photograph from one year ago! Yes – we had a doozy of a snow storm and damned if we don’t have snow and gale-freaking-force winds in the forecast today. Spring!! I am looking at you! I am a wee bit concerned about my lilacs!!

That’s all I have for this week! Have a great weekend everyone!

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