by Kat | Mar 8, 2019 | General, In This Moment
Happy Friday all – and yes, Happy indeed. It was a full week and Steve has an off site meeting this morning and then he is off for the remainder of the day – so a day off, without having to take a day off! That is a nice bonus! My plans for the day include heading off to the outlet for some new Nike’s® for walking.
Thinking about:
The glaring inequities of our justice system. Really. If ever you needed a clearer cut example, we had one last night. Judge Ellis (i.e. old white guy) gave poor Manafort (i.e. old white criminal), who “has lived an otherwise blameless life,” 47 months in prison. Yes, just 47 months with credit for time served, which means he will be out before Cohen will be! I am not sure how “otherwise blameless” Mr. Manafort was, because he admitted guilt to all the crimes he was charged with. But you know… he is a white male. If he had been a black male, his sentence would have been longer. AND… if he had been a POC who had an ounce of marijuana in their possession, he would have gotten the maximum sentencing allowed. The woman who mistakenly voted when she shouldn’t have got more time than Manafort. And, yes – she was a person of color.
Yes, this has made me more than a little angry. I am holding out hope that Manafort’s sentencing in DC next week will be much different – and run concurrently with his 47-month sentence.
Good riddance to:
The blending in process of coloring my hair to growing it out naturally! Yes – yesterday was my last day of foils! The grey’s they are increasing – and I have some really interesting streaks of grey. If I knew how hard it would be to get rid of the red from all those years of coloring, I might have done things differently. But I have finally achieved what I have been working towards for the last couple of years. I am so happy. Steve, on the other hand, is taking longer to come around to this au natural haired version of me. However, he sure didn’t like the amount of $$ having that hair cost – so I am confident he will eventually warm to the idea. And, if not – I have just given him something new to complain about, lol.
Inspired by:
My sewing this week! Yes – I have a nice stack of blocks and have rediscovered that the process of cutting out all the pieces and then seaming them together a wonderful activity! I am enjoying it so much that I began to look at the project, particularly the size of the project – and where would I put this quilt?! So… I did some math and some more cutting and got a little more fabric and the result will be a new summer quilt for our bed! And, yes – I think it is entirely appropriate to sleep under snowflakes in the summer.
All this work has taken me down a memory lane I have not walked on in a very long time. A million years ago, I was part of a very active quilting group. Okay, maybe not quite that long – but we are talking pre-children time here, so almost! Anyways, there were 10 of us and we met weekly. We made one quilt together a year – entirely by hand. Hand seaming, hand applique, hand quilting – which was really the best part. The 10 of us sitting around the quilting frame talking, laughing, planning, and sharing. Those were the best times ever and I learned so much! I am thinking about how best to incorporate that back into my life.
Fun, fun, fun!
It’s FriYAY and that means Happy Hour™ and tonight we are doing something different! Happy Hour Movie, FTW! I am not sure what we will watch, but I am really looking forward to it!
That is all I have for this week! Have a great Friday and an even better weekend! See you all back here next week!
by Kat | Mar 1, 2019 | General, Making
It seems that March is off to a roaring start! We got about 5 inches of snow overnight, with more in the forecast for the weekend. Although, all this snow has not hampered the bird’s enthusiasm as they were singing loud and long this morning!
I have not done a Fiber Friday post in some time, and the mood is striking me that this is just what I need to share today!
First up, it seems I am working on becoming a Mohair Silk Knitting Jedi. Yes, this year just might be the Year of Mohair Knitting! My second mohair project of 2019 is underway, and I am cruising along. There was a slight hiccup when 5 rounds in I discovered that yes, I have twisted the damned cast on and have a Möbius sweater started. Now, if you know anything you know there is no “ripping back and starting over” with mohair. My solution? I dropped the last stitch of the round down to the cast on, untwisted the twist, and carefully purled up the laddered yarn. It shows a bit now, but once I have the ends woven in, I think it will be barely visible!

Thank goodness for that Mohair Halo!! This project is bringing me unbelievable joy – the color and the fabric are wonders!! This is exactly what my Tegna wants to be!
Next, today I will be ironing all these fat quarters to begin the process of cutting out squares for assembly! Yes, I am beginning my 100-day project today and hopefully I will have a quilt top done by June 9th.
I also picked up more fabric to make another 1 Hour Top!
So, March will be full of sewing and fluffy knitting! And, hopefully soon, some spring-like weather!!
Happy Friday all! See you back here next week!
by Kat | Feb 18, 2019 | General, In This Moment
I did indeed finish my first Thea Rachelle Raglan on Friday. Sewing time was about 2 hours total. Yes, I like it, but I need to make some pattern adjustments. The neck line needs to be a bit narrower and higher in the back, at least for a cold weather garment! I am not sure how easy those things will be to adjust – what with facings and all. However, this exact pattern would make a truly lovely summer top from linen!! So, yes! I will sew this again!
Saturday, we had the most amazing visitor in the tree in my front yard!! A Pileated Woodpecker!! I know – my heart about stopped. I was not quick enough to get a photo, but A Pileated Woodpecker in my front yard! I am pretty sure it was a female, because I did not see any red stripe on its face.
More BIG excitement here on Sunday when the water main that supplies our housing plan broke leaving us with no water for most of Sunday afternoon and evening. I won’t even go into all the complaining that caused. However, things seem to be back to normal this morning and I have laundry underway to prove it!
I have been entirely enamored with Cara’s 100-day Sashiko Stitching Project. You should especially look at her stories…!
AND!! I started listening to the latest Armand Gamache installment, Kingdom of the Blind – I am limiting my listening time each day to make it last as long as possible.
How is your Monday looking?
by Kat | Dec 21, 2018 | General, In This Moment
Thanks to Susan Anderson and a very bad ABBA pun, I am on a bit of a Knit-All-The-Gnome’s spree! Well, at least 2 of them to put on the gifts for Steve’s mom! She is a bit of a Gnome-iac and has them everywhere in her yard. So, it is the most fitting gift! Ha!
As with all of Susan’s patterns this has brilliant construction and is a quick knit! Bonus… there are instructions on how to make a mini-pompoms on a fork!

The amaryllis watch is going well with significant growth this week! Plus, I now have a just-beginning-to-bloom paperwhite added into the mix (thanks to one of my Confirmation students!!)

But, perhaps the best thing of all this week was the success of Genevieve’s Carseat Poncho!! She LOVES it and, imo, looks just too cute in it! She would not take it off saying, “it’s my wings!!”

And, there you have it from me for the week! I will be back here on Monday! Have a great weekend!
by Kat | Dec 17, 2018 | General, Making
Today I am sharing the best of my making. 2018 was a most productive year for me! Ravelry tells me I completed 17 projects – a most impressive number! And, of these 17 items – 9 were sweaters!! It truly was the year of the sweater for me and I plan to work to continue that in 2019 as well!
And, that number grows with my renewed interest in sewing! I made a good number of things for myself and for Genevieve in 2018 – best of all, many of the things I made were repurposed from garments that were too large! I even did a bit of hand sewing with an Alabama Chanin-style top! All in all, I sewed 17 items this year!
But, out of these 34 things, these are my best items of the year:

Today, the making continues! I will be working on finishing a “snowsuit” for Genevieve’s Bitty Baby! Snaps and some elastic are all that it needs to finish it up!
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