Sometimes Monday | 2.17.25

Sometimes Monday | 2.17.25

Brings a reminder that winter is not over… sigh.

My flooded backyard is now a snow-covered ice rink… and it is very slippery in spots! But everything is covered with a blanket of fresh snow and it looks beautiful right up until you have to bundle up to head out in it that is! Wind chills in the single digits made for the fast walk ever this morning! While Frankie absolutely loves the snow but the bitter cold… not so much. It’s a day I am happy to have a closet filled with hand knits!

It is also a very good day to stay indoors reading and stitching… and hopefully I can make some headway with the button band! I have rounded the neck line and am heading down the final stretch to the bind off! Sounds short, but really there are LOTS of rows to go!

And for all of those joining in on a Word Journey this year, next Monday is our day to update how the month has gone! I will have the link up ready early and it will remain open all week!

If you are in the path of this wintry blast, stay safe and warm! Happy Monday everyone! See you all back here on Wednesday!


Sometimes Monday | 2.17.25

Sometimes Monday | 2.10.25

Is for finding community!

Like all of you, I have been struggling with all the stuff that is overwhelming us daily. I have spent more time “doomscrolling” than is healthy but on one of my recent avoidance sessions Professor Crunk, aka Professor Brittney Cooper, arrived and she turned on a lightbulb for me… a big, bright, shiny lightbulb!

Community! And I began jotting down all the areas of community that lift me, give me strength, that nod along when I rage, that rage while I am nodding along… by Sunday I had quite an amazing list! This blog community was on my list, as were a few other online communities that I really like engaging with during the week… these communities are vital to my well-being right now!


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What was missing from my list? Local, in person community… so maybe it’s time to try to rejuvenate my local knitting group or find a new local knitting group!

Happy Monday everyone! See you all back here on Wednesday (with perhaps a finished sweater!!)

Sometimes Monday | 2.17.25

Sometimes Monday | 1.20.25

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Today I am reminding myself that while disappointment exists… it is absolutely finite, yet hope is an infinite well and I will be in that infinite well of hope today with Michelle Obama… the woman who reminded us ‘No’ is a complete sentence.

A few other things are happening today (amidst this frigid Arctic Blast that has blown in to Pittsburgh’s South Hills)

Thing One: Franklin will soon be at the vet for his “snip surgery.” He will be six months old this week and while he retains many of his hilarious, yet frustrating, puppy antics, he has become a very lovable young man. He is absolutely housebroken (Yay!!) and even conveys to the adults when he has to go outside (double Yay!!) However, Young Master Franklin has an affinity addiction for all the yarn and most especially Kid Silk Haze (Boo!) He is quite adept at finding the KSH that I have tucked away at the bottom of a project bag. I think it is time to deploy Carole’s plastic bin with a snap on lid suggestion.

Thing Two: A quick grocery shop is in order and then a stop for some “desk organizing” items and a “project sized” plastic container with a lid!

Thing Three: (and perhaps the most important!!) Next Monday (1/27/25) is our January Word Round Up! If you are joining us this year in a word study we will be sharing what we discovered this month! The link up will go up early… by 6:30AM EST and will be up through the following Sunday! (so if Monday is not the day you want to share… the link up will be available for several days!)

And with that, I wish you all an inspiring day of contemplating Martin Luther King Jr. I will see you all back here on Wednesday!

Sometimes Monday | 2.17.25

Sometimes Monday | 1.13.25

Is for reveling in winter!

Yes, we have snow! Yes, it is cold! (although this morning’s 31°F felt downright balmy!!)

I cannot tell you the last time we here had snow that stayed on the ground for more than a day or two! It is simply delightful.

Winter might be even more delightful because I finished one Marled Sequence Scarf over the weekend! And, to be entirely honest with you, I was more than a bit sad to bind off that last stitch! This was truly knitting perfection… the colors pair with simple knits and purls. Glamor shots coming!

But… I had also signed up for Patty Lyons Beginnings and Endings Class last Friday. I got through one part, with two more to go but can I just say… Patty Lyons is a treasure! I could sit and just listen to her talk for hours! She has encyclopedic knitting knowledge! Anyways, I also swatched over the weekend and cast on a couple of times… with “meh” results. But once I deployed Patty’s first cast on… with rousing success… I knew I found my new knit project to see me through this month!

So, my dearest Mother Nature, when you bring the drop in temperatures later today with those “need all the layers” teens, I will have lots to keep me occupied inside where it is cosy and warm! And, I will have a freshly washed scarf to keep me warm!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Sometimes Monday | 12.16.24

Sometimes Monday | 12.16.24

Is for celebrating simplicity. (and it does not get much simpler than my holiday decorating this year! Ha! Frankie-proof FTW!)

This is it, gentler readers, holiday crunch time has arrived! In my house, that means to break out the flour and sugar and do a bit of baking!

I hope your week is less you “rush(ing) home with treasures” and more “all is calm” time! (and I do so very hope there are lights that give you a spot of brightness!)

I will see you all back here on Wednesday with my 2024 Making review!

Happy Monday everyone!

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