Sometimes Monday | 11.18.24

Sometimes Monday | 11.18.24

Is about how much time isn’t left….

I am very much feeling the fleeting time of the days as they race past me. They are moving at Usian Bolt speed… I blink and the day is over.

Then I look at the calendar and count that there are only 6 weeks left in the year and I realize that the days have been racing by much longer than I have been aware.

I made a list of all the things I need to finish this year… and it’s So Full. (Yes, absolutely too full…)

Perhaps this post will be a gentle urgent reminder for you… time is flying! Do you have a list? If not… should you?

See you all back here on Wednesday!



Sometimes Monday | 11.18.24

Sometimes Monday… | 11.11.24

…is for trying to ease back into “normalcy.” Whatever that is… although from my perspective, it is very disconcerting.

I have very much unplugged from all media since last Wednesday. I had not read or listened or watched any news, not even NPR’s brief Morning Edition podcast. But I tried to ease myself back in a bit this morning and I don’t think I am ready for news yet. I realize that it is the height of privilege to be able to make this choice, but before I can help anyone I need to heal myself and I am not at all interested in thoughts on “what went wrong” etc.

I believed I was in a colossal reading slump until I settled in with Jane Cooper’s The Lost Flock. Perhaps it was not a reading slump at all but rather just books that arrived at the wrong time for the space I am in. Jane is the perfect companion as I make my way through these unsettling days.

The other thing that has helped me tremendously is Cecelia Campochiaro’s marled-sequence shawl. My brain is loving the methodical knits and purls… one stitch after another… the perfect meditation companion. I am not feeling this knit as a “hurry up and finish” but rather it is a project that says take your time, we will work through this mess together.

I still don’t feel exactly ready to face this very divided country, but I am getting closer one knit and purl at a time while I listen to Jane as she shares life with Boreray sheep.

See you all back here on Wednesday with some unraveling.

Sometimes Monday | 11.18.24

Sometimes Monday | 10.7.24

Is for rounding out my “packing list” with some “insurance”…

  • A skein of sock yarn and sock needles
  • Stitching bits and pieces
  • and yes, a warm coat, another hat, and mittens!

I added those last bits yesterday when I saw the much chillier than expected forecast for this week. I don’t think the vest I already had on the list will be enough. I seriously contemplated not bring anything to knit, thinking perhaps that a break might be a good thing. But I don’t know of any yarn stores up near Erie, so in case my knitting mojo comes roaring back I will be prepared!

I have debated with myself a dozen times about bringing stitching or not… and I reminded myself of what happened last spring when I did not take the stitching… so I pulled out a small bag to put some bits in.

Now to unearth a warm hat and some mittens… because you know that by committing to bringing a warm coat, a hat, and mittens I won’t need them! (But if I did not pack them, well… you know how that would go!)

Happy Monday everyone! See you all back here on Wednesday!


Sometimes Monday | 11.18.24

Sometimes Monday | 9.16.24

We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost. — Henry Rollins

Summer’s ghost was alive a well last week… again it was (very) dry with temps climbing into the 80’s. But I see signs of change … signs that things are leaning into a new season. Birds are flocking… most notably, the Blue Jays that arrive in my yard each morning patiently awaiting the “Nut Lady” to bring out the peanuts! Blue Jays that can tell time make me smile! Some have progressed further through the late summer molt than others as there are one or two who look quite haggard. But they all are expert “nut weighers”… I like watching them pick through the peanut shells to find the heaviest one which they quickly whisk away!

I have hopes for rain this week… we need it so desperately but maybe not tomorrow night, which will be the 4th and final full moon of summer… A Super Harvester Moon with a partial lunar eclipse! And I caught the ISS soaring overhead last night… it was my first time seeing it and it was exciting! I freed my inner little girl and waved in the dark as it sailed overhead. Or perhaps it was a bit of leftover exuberance from the Makers for Kamala call! We have such an amazing community… I am proud to be part of it.

This week, my making plans include making a bit of a “book” (and I am using that term VERY loosely!) to participate a bit in Karen Abend’s Sketchbook Revival. I have some sheets of cold press watercolor paper that I am going to break down to make them more useable and make them into a bit of a sketchbook.

The other important thing I did for myself yesterday was to make a batch of steel cut oats for breakfasts this week (which is super easy to do in the crockpot!) The tiniest bit of work on a Sunday morning makes for a week of healthy, ready-to-go breakfasts for myself! (And I have no excuse to skip brekkie this way!)

Happy Monday everyone, see you all back here on Wednesday!

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