by Kat | Aug 12, 2012 | General
As the days are growing ever so shorter, the bounty at the farmer’s market continues in abundance. I was saddened to have gotten what is most likely the last of the local blueberries.
This is my “take” on a recipe from the Red Spoon Blog’s “Blueberry Gratin”, and trust me, this is indeed an awesome use of fresh blueberries.
Blueberry Gratin
- 1 1/2 cups plain yogurt
- 1/2 tsp. Kosher salt
- 1 tsp. Vanilla
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 1 pint fresh blueberries
Turn on broiler.
Mix together yogurt, Kosher salt, and Vanilla. Spoon 1/2 of the yogurt mixture into the bottom of an oven safe dish. Cover with blueberries and pour the remaining yogurt mixture on top. Sprinkle the top with brown sugar and place dish on baking sheet.
Put under broiler for 5 minutes, or until brown sugar is all bubbly and caramelized.
Remove from broiler and serve.
It is just incredibly delicious, and tastes great the next day – if you manage to have any leftovers!
by Kat | Jul 8, 2012 | General
It has been a quiet week here at Casa del KatKnits, with temperatures climbing into the triple digits causing many to hibernate to an air conditioned place to beat the heat.
My garden is growing nicely, even if my lawn looks like the Sahara Desert. We have had little to no rain here, but the bonus of container gardening is easy watering and the ability to move things out of the scorching heat, for which my plants are grateful, I am sure!
With a brief respite from the heat for a few days – it is amazing how cool the 80’s can feel after a stint of 100 plus degree-days. I am enjoying open windows, blowing breezes, and chirping birds.
I have begun my summer knitting project, in preparation/training for the highly controversial Ravelry “Ravellenic” Knitting event. Who knew that knitters could be such a divisive lot? My summer project is the lovely Buttercup by Heidi Kirrmaier, knit out of Elsebeth Lavold’s Hempathy. It is indeed the right yarn to be knitting with on these hot summer days and nights. Now, bring on the Olympics to maximize my knitting time!
Happy Summer all!
by Kat | Aug 2, 2010 | General
As the temperatures climb back into the 90’s with a heat index to match, I am longing for some cooler weather.
However, I know that will not always be the case. Come about January 1 when it is cold and grey, summer will be a long forgotten memory.
Until I open some of this jam, that is. The warmth of summer will all come flooding back.
by Kat | Jul 30, 2010 | General
It is kind of nice when the reflecting rays illuminate the mendacity of life. I just love when my housekeeping skills are so brilliantly showcased!
Here is to a great weekend with perhaps a splash of cleaning on top!
by Kat | Jun 26, 2009 | General
In a few short days, June will be over and July will be upon us, and what does July bring? The end to my allergies that is what! The Cottonwood trees have finished pollinating and the Catalpa trees blooms are dropping like flies!
Ahhh, I am ready to breathe pollen free air once again!
In addition, hopefully July will usher in more warm weather, the sunny days of summer, and the celebration of July 4.
One very big event happens every July as well. It is a competition in which the participant’s goal is to wear the coveted yellow jersey!
That is right; July brings us the Tour de Fleece!
Yes, you read that right, the Tour de Fleece.
That is right from July 4 through the 26th I will be spinning with Team Suck Less!
