by Kat | Aug 30, 2016 | General, Words
Hello, Gentle Readers! It’s Tuesday, and Carole is back and wants to know:
10 Things You Miss About Your Home When You’re Away
Hmmm, this might be a bit of a challenge, but let’s see how far I can get…
- My bed… of course this is number one, because well – it is perfect for sleeping. And, really – another bed is just never quite right, know what I mean?
- My routine…yes, I am a creature of habit – while I love change, I like somethings to be the same.
- A closet and dresser – living out of a suitcase can be a challenge
- My spinning wheel – although, for an upcoming trip I am planning on bringing a drop spindle or two…
- My own bathroom. Enough said.
- My water – really, your body gets used to the water where you are, different water feels different, smells different, and yes – tastes different.
- I would say the library, however, thanks to Overdrive and a Kindle this is no longer the issue it could be.
- My stash… yes, really!! It is challenging to pack knitting projects!!
- My kitchen. I like to cook, and I eat much better (healthier?) if I prepare the meal.
- Sherman… our preference is to take him with us, but sometimes that is just not possible. When it’s not – I miss him horribly.

There you have it – what I miss most when I am away from home! How about you? What do you miss most?
by Kat | Aug 23, 2016 | General, Making, Words
Last week, Jillian Moreno’s highly anticipated (at least by me!) book Yarnitecture was released. I got my copy on Friday and that sort of derailed any other reading plans I had for the weekend.
And, today being Tuesday I am going to share you my 10 favorite things from the book!

- The cover. Really. Did Jillian plan this just for me? I mean who could resist a book with all that great green on it!
- Are you a knitter who wants to spin? This book is entirely focused from a knitter’s perspective about the creation of yarn. In other words, she tells you the absolute best way to create a yarn you will want to knit with!
- There are fantastic photos (of course, that is sort of a given) that show clear photos of crucial things that new and old spinners struggle with – things like drafting, twist, and plying.
- She spends the entire book talking about spinning prepared fibers – and especially the amazing fibers available at Fiber Show’s and on Etsy. This is especially great if the idea of processing an entire fleece to spin is not your cup of tea!
- That being said, she still talks in depth about the LARGE variety of fibers there are available to spin!
- Yarnitecture takes you through yarn construction like you are building a house! She breaks it down into very manageable stages that help you make the yarn you want to make. I have been spinning a good bit of time and I had a number of “aha” moments!
- There is an entire chapter on the multitude of ways you can finish your yarn. Menacing your yarn is such a great phrase!
- Jillian demystifies grist for the spinner and breaks it down into something that is understandable and meaningful. (Especially if you are spinning for a large project)
- There an entire chapter on color and how to make color work for you as you are spinning – especially those lovely dyed braids of fiber. She inspires your imagination by showing you the tip of the iceberg on how they can be broken down to spin. After reading her inspiration, my mind is just flooded with dozens of ideas for fiber in my stash!
- Last, but certainly not least, there are 12 stunning patterns by a variety of talented designers using handspun yarn – from socks to shawls to sweaters – there is sure to be something that calls to you! I promise you my “knit list” has grown!
Jillian shows us that the possibilities are limitless when we are sitting at our wheel. Yarnitecture gives you the tools you need to build the yarn you want and then offers encouragement to knit something with it! Jillian is absolutely correct when she says, “I love knitting period, but handspun (yarn) takes it to a different level…” It absolutely does, Gentle Reader – and if you’d like to share that experience, this book is for you!
by Kat | Aug 16, 2016 | General, Words
Hello, 10 on Tuesday fans! Carole, our fearless leader, is having a bit of a vacay this week, but I thought it would be the perfect time to share some ideas for preserving the best tastes of the season to enjoy when summer is gone!
Now, you may notice that tomatoes kind of steal the show, however, there is a reason for that. I am in the TOMATO OVERLOAD ZONE.
Note to self, there is no reason to plant more than one Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato next year. (What on earth was I thinking planting 4!!)
- I am seeing some plums in the markets right now and Plum Butter is so good on toast, or in yogurt with a bit of granola, or swirled through vanilla ice cream (you could make your own, but really store bought is just fine!) and (P.S. The cardamom is such a great addition to the butter!)
- This recipe calls for apricots, but it is so perfect with peaches. It is so good on English Muffins and stirred into yogurt.
- I think that in a few weeks, when the temperatures have cooled off a bit again, you will find good radishes in the markets again and nothing tastes better than Pickled Radishes. Really, I love them and they are a welcome addition to Happy Hour!
- Cucumbers are everywhere at the markets right now, and this Quick Sweet Pickle recipe is my favorite!
- Now, let’s get to the tomato recipes; shall we? I love to have jars of Tomato Basil Sauce in the pantry, and I think I will try this one this year!
- Slow Roasted Cherry Tomatoes are such incredible pops of flavor. They are so easy to do and they last a long time in the refrigerator. I have made one batch, and will be making another soon! (P.S. I cut them in half before roasting)
- Homemade Rotel-Style Tomatoes are so good!
- This recipe for Lazy Cherry Tomato Salsa looks so good!
- Now for the Tomato Jams – I have not made this before, but these recipes look so amazing! And, see above – 4 Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato Plants means I have Cherry Tomatoes in bulk!! I found two versions, and I will be trying both; Tomato Jam and Golden Cherry Tomato and Ginger Jam.
There you have it, Gentle Reader, summer in a jar for you to enjoy when summer is just a fond memory! What is your favorite way to preserve the season’s bounty?
by Kat | Aug 9, 2016 | General, Words
Hello 10 on Tuesday Readers! Carole has a uniquely challenging task for us this week. She wants to know:
Write a list of 10 words that describe you. The catch is that all the words should begin with the same letter as your first name!
Oh, boy…
Really? Words with a “k”???
Okay, with a little help from, here goes nothing:
- Klutzy. Because, I am. Really!! Very Klutzy! **insert bruise photos here**
- Kind. Even when I don’t want to be.
- Knowledge seeker (or klife-klong klearner)
- Knitter. This is obvious…
- Kindle Reader. (Because it makes the task so much easier, especially at night!)
- Kneader of Bread. However, not so much lately
- An unKempt housekeeper. There you have it people, it is not my favorite thing to do. Ever.
- Kvelling, especially about my kiddos!
- Koffie drinker (Dutch spelling works, right?)
- Kitchen cooker. As opposed to a Grill Master, I cook in the kitchen, Steve cooks outdoors!)
There you have it. The Komplete Kworks of Kat!
How about you, Gentle Reader?? Share a word that describes you!
by Kat | Aug 2, 2016 | General, Words
It’s Tuesday and you know what that means…Carole wants an update my Summer Bucket List to see how I am doing…
Oh boy…
Here is the link to the original post
Now, how am I doing?
However, I need to have a frank discussion with myself about the chance of success for completing the undone. I might be able to get one or two more things completed, but 100% is highly unlikely.
I mean, it is August 2nd and there are only thirty-three days until Labor Day…There is your depressing thought for the day.
You’re welcome.
Did you have a Summer Bucket List? If yes, how are you doing?
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