by Kat | Jun 14, 2016 | General, Words
It’s Tuesday and that means that Carole wants to know:
10 Things On This Summer’s Bucket List
Well, there are a number of ways to approach this, but I am going to make this be a “doable” list – as in things I can do here in my little corner of the world.
Sometimes, there are the best things right in your own backyard!
- Go to the zoo
- Eat shaved ice – Gus and Yia Yia’s to be specific
- Get a pedicure – really, this is so Summer Bucket List Worthy!
- Watch the sunrise from Mount Washington
- Take a long walk along the Monongahela, Allegheny, and Ohio Rivers
- Ride on the Gateway Clipper
- Visit the Heinz History Museum
- Have one of Lucy’s World Famous Banh Mi
- Write and send handwritten letters (this is one you can help me out on – want to exchange handwritten letters this summer?)
- Take our FriYAY Happy Hour on the road for a new perspective
So, there you have it – my Pittsburgh Bucket List! Now, what I want to know is what would you put on your “backyard” bucket list?
by Kat | Jun 7, 2016 | General, Words
It is Tuesday and this week Carole brings me a very challenging topic. Very challenging. She wants to know:
10 Things You Are Curious About
I am really happy that Carole sent this topic on Saturday so I could spend a good bit of the weekend pondering my curiosity.
Albert Einstein’s quote fits me completely because while I really don’t have any special talents; I am passionately curious.
Now, I am not curious in the sense of wanting to take things apart to find out how they work – I was not the kid who wanted to know how radios work, or how records make sounds (yes, I was of the era of vinyl records). Nor am I a risk taker – you won’t find me curious about skydiving, deep-sea diving, or mountain climbing.
But I am curious about many things and here is my Curiosity List:
- Pattern Design – especially in knitting. I am so amazed at the volume of patterns that are published daily on Ravelry. While, this seems to me such a daunting task; I would like to take a class to learn more about this.
- Pattern Technical Editing – which kind of goes hand in hand with pattern design. But, really – how do they do it?? Curious minds want to know!
- Home Brewing Beer – I have read books and I have a great friend who brews some amazing beer. I am curious about the entire process.
- Photography – I think my photography skills have been improving, however I am curious to learn more about the intricate details of the craft. I would love to take a class and learn more.
- Learning languages – We are a single language household, but curiously I have a daughter who is multi-lingual. Men Duolingo hjælper mig med at lære.
- Different cultures – the differences and similarities fascinate me. Thanks to Tess Vigeland, I am very curious about becoming an ex-pat.
- Shepherding – It is no secret that I love wool. I have this beautiful daydream that I live on a gorgeous farm with a flock of happy sheep. I am curious if this dream would be as lovely a reality. Perhaps I can fulfill two curiosities with this, although my daydream did not include 850 acres.
- Hand Writing – especially Calligraphy. This just fascinates me.
- Writing – I am curious how successful the participants are of NaNoWriMo are…
- Stained Glass Making – These are just so beautiful, and having watched Vicki Payne make stained glass on PBS for years, I am curious to learn more.
There is my Curiosity List…What makes you curious?
by Kat | May 24, 2016 | General, Words
It’s Tuesday, that means that Carole wants to know:
My 10 Favorite Desserts
And, of course, since I am trying NOT to eat desserts right now…because POINTS. I am going to have to list all the things that I am not eating right now.
That’s right, this is the list to avoid if you are on a diet.
- Crème brûlée, perhaps my favorite dessert of all time. If I am getting dessert at a restaurant and they have Crème brûlée on the menu you can be guaranteed I will order it. Every.Single.Time.
- Ice Cream…this is the one I struggle with the most. Really, especially anything with coffee or caramel!
- Cake, any kind at all – with butter cream frosting, and lots of it!
- Martha Stewart’s Almond Tart, to.die.for. Topped with whipped cream, of course.
- Pumpkin pie. Seriously, it is so good.
- Cheesecake…need I say more?
- Brown Sugar Cookies, they are really so easy to make and taste so incredible!
- Smores – with homemade marshmallows, toasted in a bonfire on the beach! Bonus points for not getting sand in them!
- Lemon Cake with icing. Mmmmm.
- Chocolate Budino, pictured below… oh man. So. Good.
And, what is on my “eat” list?
- For the foreseeable future – fresh fruits. Good thing the fresh fruit season is almost upon us!
There you have it – my list of no-no’s. But, I want to know – what is your favorite dessert?
by Kat | May 17, 2016 | General, Words
Life doesn’t get more real than having a newborn at home. – Eric Church
It’s Tuesday and that means that Carole wants to know:
10 Ways to Help a New Mom
New babies are one of the greatest joys in life…and the first weeks home for Mom (and Dad) can be amazing and stressful as a new family settles in together!
So, what can you do to help?
- Bring over a meal that is easy to heat and eat. Chicken Pot Pie (topped with puff pastry), a salad, and some homemade brownies were always my go to “quick and easy meal”.
- Cut the grass or shovel their driveway and walks.
- Offer to do some laundry (or fold laundry!) while Mom takes a nap with the baby.
- If there are older children, offer to do something special with them!
- Fill a basket with easy to eat snacks – fresh fruits, bottled waters, nuts. Nutritious foods that are easy to eat while holding a baby
- A Netflix gift card or two – so she has something to watch besides infomercials or reruns for those middle of the night feeding times!
- A basket filled with magazines, a book or two, an assortment of teas, or coffee.
- Some babysitting vouchers for when Mom and Dad are ready for a night out!
- Ask if there is anything on their “to-do” list that you could finish for them.
- And, my go to new baby gift – knit a Baby Surprise Jacket with matching hat and socks/booties.
New babies are just the best! What do you do when there is a new baby?
by Kat | May 10, 2016 | General, Words
It’s Tuesday and that means that Carole wants to know:
10 Ways to Welcome Someone New To Your Neighborhood
Well if you are a regular blog reader then you know that I have some pretty crazy neighbors, so if you’d like to move next door – I would LOVE IT!
And, here are some of the ways I would make you feel so welcome that you’d never consider leaving!
- Some welcome to the neighborhood roses might just be the thing to help those boxes look a little chicer!
- A ready to cook meal to make your first night easier.
- A list of the local restaurants that have amazing food, including those that deliver!
- A list of all the branches of the Carnegie Public Library (and it is significant!)
- An invitation to our Friday Happy Hour – complete with good eats and beverages!
- A list of things to do in the Pittsburgh area!
- A basket of “essentials” – cheese, wine, crackers, meat, fruit, and nuts.
- A schedule of trash and recycling pick up for our neighborhood.
- A collection of “Pittsburgh” sports flag (so you feel right at home on game day!)
- A list of all the area Farmer’s Markets.
As you can see, you would be a welcome addition to my neighborhood and there is so much to do!
Wouldn’t you like to be my neighbor?