by Kat | Dec 1, 2015 | General, Words
It is Tuesday and that means Carole has sent out a challenge for our Ten on Tuesday post!
Today it is a fantastic one: 10 Best Things You Did in November, so without further ado here is my list!
- I blogged every day, completing a successful NaBloPoMo!
- I used my camera every day and I have a new favorite lens as a result!
- I “figured out” how to do my shorter hair and it only took a couple of weeks!
- I did some of the best spinning and, more importantly, the best plying I have ever done!

- I grew my weaving skills and gave myself permission to make many mistakes without stressing over them!
- I finished some knitting projects, even if they were small ones!

- I made nine quarts of turkey stock and four turkey pot pies with Thanksgiving leftovers!
- I got all my Christmas decorating done, freeing up December for finishing the few “me-made” Christmas gifts on my list!
- Finding .98¢ poinsettia’s and a $6 orchid on my only venture out on “Black Friday” (and there was practically no one at Home Depot!)
- Finding a true connection with yoga, I feel like my day is just not right if I do not do yoga.
I think these are some very good “bests” for my November!
Happy 10 on Tuesday, Gentle Reader!
by Kat | Nov 24, 2015 | General, Words
Carole sent a most appropriate Ten on Tuesday topic this week and one that poses a bit of a challenge:
10 Things You Are Thankful For Right Now
I can easily think of ten things I am thankful for…
However, the right now portion requires some introspection, thought, even meditation.
And so, thoughtfully, right now I am thankful for:
- My Bialetti Moka Pot, coffee at its finest right in my kitchen!
- The discovery of the joy of yoga and making myself stick with it for 30 days, creating a healthy habit that has and will continue
- The discovery of 100 Acts of Sewing that then spurred
- my rediscovery of the joy of sewing
- The internet that helps keep me connected, updated, inspired, and entertained

- Sherman, who makes every day so much more
- My new friends here, most especially Cheryl who has become like a sister to me.
- My children and, especially, my new grand-daughter, Genevieve

- My ‘new’ city, with all it has to offer and
- the reason I am here (in the ‘Burgh)
I think that giving thanks in the moment is a very good habit to adopt and I want to know, Gentle Reader, what are you thankful for right now!
by Kat | Nov 17, 2015 | General, Words
Our 10 on Tuesday is week is: 10 Places You Hang Out
Now, I am sure that I do not have ten places at which I regularly hang out (outside of my house!) Sad, but true Gentle Reader.
If I had unlimited resources this would be my list of ‘Hang Out’ places

Coffee from Lemonjello’s is so hang out worthy!
by Kat | Nov 10, 2015 | General, Words

You can’t expect to hit the jackpot if you don’t put a few nickels in the machine.” – Flip Wilson
Carole was off in Vegas doing a bit of celebrating this past weekend and because of that, I think this is the perfect 10 on Tuesday! I sure hope they were doing lots of shouting over the weekend!
Ten Things to Shout When You Hit the Jackpot:
- What?!?!
- NO WAY!!!
- We’re in the money!
- I can’t believe it!
- Yipppeeeeeee!
- Wait, what?
- I have to pay how much in taxes???!!!???
Chances are very good that I will never shout any of these ten items because in order to win a jackpot I have to put some nickels in the machine, which I don’t do with any regularity.
That got me thinking about other ways to hit the jackpot and I think a non-gamblers jackpot list is a thing… isn’t it?
So here is my Non-Gambler’s Jackpot list:
- All of your kids graduating from college AND finding jobs
- The birth of your first grandchild
- Noticing that you have lost weight and you have not been dieting
- Groceries that miraculously pro-create in your cupboard eliminating the need to ever return to the grocery store
- Self-folding laundry
- The discovery of a Pug that does not shed
- Teleportation is a reality
- Deciding that you do not have insomnia, but really only need two hours of sleep at night
- Being able to do your hair EXACTLY as your stylist did – Every. Single. Time! (See Saturday’s post!)
- Getting gauge on the gauge swatch on the first try
Now this list would be hitting the jackpot indeed!
Happy Ten on Tuesday!
by Kat | Nov 3, 2015 | General, Words
I have always enjoyed reading Carole’s Ten on Tuesday posts, and thanks to NaBloPoMo I am now a happy participant!

This week’s topic was to “Write 10 Sentences That You Think Would Make Great Opening Lines for a Novel.”
Okay. Wow, that is more than a little bit hard for this lackadaisical blogger!