by Kat | Sep 7, 2017 | General, Words
This week’s Think Write Thursday discussion with Carole gave birth to this week’s topic of discussion: We’re starting to feel like this whole Think Write Thursday thing isn’t going so well. Participation isn’t high and it’s been dropping off steadily for the last little while. We don’t want anyone to feel bad or guilty about not playing along – your blog, your rules! – but we are hoping we can revamp things a bit and kickstart some energy back into this weekly blog prompt. So, we’re going to try something new, sort of a riff on Three Things on Thursday. This week we are asking you to share 3 things on your To Do List with all of us. Everybody likes to write lists, don’t they?!
Yes, I am a list writer – of all sorts – things to not forget, things to get done, wish lists, gift lists, want to read lists, and yes – even knitting lists. I like to make my lists with a “check box” because there is nothing quite as satisfying as checking something off a list, amirite? After all, isn’t that why you write a list?
So, three things from my current “To Do List” that I have not yet completed:
- Find a recipe for “large tomato preservation”
- Haircut (which will be crossed off today! YAY)
- Find an optometrist to get my eyes examined
There you have it – three very diverse things. And, some obviously easier to complete than others.
The haircut might be the easiest – after all, I just need to go and sit while someone else does all the work. It has been a good bit of time since my last haircut and thoughts I have of “growing my hair out” only ever get to the length it is now and I give up and that is okay with me.
I have been poking around the internet a bit looking for something I can do with my collection of large tomatoes. I am thinking that a simple diced tomato would be a nice thing to have – maybe some with onion and jalapeno and some with basil. Those are my thoughts which look great on paper it is just getting all the canning stuff out and getting it done that is the hard part!
Finally, the last thing on my list – the Eye Doctor… for the past few weeks I have noticed that my “drug store readers” have not really been enough to see to knit or stitch certain times of the day. So rather than just going out and getting a stronger reader, I think it is time to find an eye doctor. Definitely not my favorite listed item, but perhaps the most necessary!
If you want to see what everyone else has on their list, you will find them here! And, if you would like to join us for Think Write Thursdays, you can sign up here.
by Kat | Aug 31, 2017 | General, Words
This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to write a post with the title “Hello, September”
Since I began my stitching journey in January, nothing is quite as exciting as the start of a new month. It is a blank canvas laying before me filled with infinite possibilities.
And, September is especially so – it brings a new palette of colors, a change of seasons, and lots of new ideas.
So… Hello, September! You excite me!
If you want to read what others had to say to September, you will find them here. If you want to join me and Carole for Think Write Thursday you can sign up here!
by Kat | Aug 17, 2017 | General, Words
This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to tell us what you do when you find yourself with an abundance of tomatoes because ’tis the season!
Ode to Tomatoes by Pablo Neruda
the street filled with tomatoes, midday, summer,
light is halved like a tomato, its juice runs through the streets.
in December, unabated, the tomato invades the kitchen, it enters at lunchtime,
takes its ease on countertops, among glasses, butter dishes, blue saltcellars.
it sheds its own light, benign majesty.
unfortunately, we must murder it: the knife sinks into living flesh,
red viscera a cool sun, profound, inexhaustible, populates the salads of Chile,
happily, it is wed to the clear onion, and to celebrate the union we pour oil,
essential child of the olive, onto its halved hemispheres,
pepper adds its fragrance, salt, its magnetism;
it is the wedding of the day, parsley hoists its flag,
potatoes bubble vigorously, the aroma of the roast knocks at the door,
it’s time! come on! and, on the table, at the midpoint of summer, the tomato,
star of earth, recurrent and fertile star, displays its convolutions,
its canals, its remarkable amplitude and abundance, no pit, no husk,
no leaves or thorns, the tomato offers its gift of fiery color and cool completeness.
It is my favorite time of the year, that moment when the garden is overflowing with ripe tomatoes and the point of tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is upon us! My love for tomatoes matches Pablo Neruda’s…it is indeed time!
I have made 2 batches of jam thus far and will make a third batch later this week – sadly, this is the only way Steve will eat tomatoes. For me however, there is nothing that compares to the taste of fresh tomatoes. My favorite lunch is a bowl of tomatoes sprinkled with salt and some freshly cracked pepper then drizzled with a bit of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Simple and so delicious. Breakfast? A bit of cottage cheese and more tomatoes – the breakfast of the gardener! And, I can always find room on my dinner plate for some beautiful red tomato slices! And, the gardener’s snack? Sun-warmed tomatoes fresh off the vine are summer’s best candy!
And, if there are more tomatoes than I can eat – I can always find someone who is happy with the gift of a fresh tomato or two!
If you want to see what others are doing with all their tomatoes, you will find them here. If you would like to join Carole and me for Think Write Thursday’s, you can sign up here!
by Kat | Aug 10, 2017 | General, Words
This week, there is no official Think Write Thursday topic however, thinking and writing continue. So today, I am just giving you a random round-up of some of the “thinks” that have become things this week.
I finally had enough cherry tomatoes to make Tomato Jam… well, perhaps it is better to put it this way, I finally had enough cherry tomatoes to eat and make Tomato Jam. The house smelled aMAZing yesterday. Although, the washing machine install guy asked me if I was making apple pie. I kid you not! I said no its tomato jam, and he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language or had two heads. It was a moment, let me tell you. And, yes… I wanted to shout, “NO JAM FOR YOU”!! Suffice it to say that our Friday Happy Hour will be extra good this week!
And, yes… let me go on a bit about the new washing machine! It is completely silent… no really, it is! The only sound is that of the water running when the tub fills. I called Steve at work and put him on speaker and said listen to the washer…. He said, I don’t hear anything. I said exactly! I guess you had to be there, but it was a moment of sheer bliss. Trust me!
I took a page from Kym this week and did some deadheading… literally and figuratively. It was an excellent thing to do – my flowers look better and my mind is unburdened in a most pleasant way.
I was tempted by this little sweater and there is a rumor of a “weekend KAL” coming up! Well, swatching has begun. I know… what the heck is wrong with me!?! I am blaming this “cast-on-it is” that I am experiencing on the current state of affairs right now. As in, I must knit all the things before something really upsetting happens!!
Now, I am off to finish that gauge swatch! See you all back here tomorrow!
If you want to participate in Think Write Thursday’s with me and Carole, you can sign up here!
by Kat | Aug 3, 2017 | General, Words
This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to write a post to welcome August.
“August, the summer’s last messenger of misery, is a hollow actor. – Henry Rollins
Ohai, August.
I have very mixed emotions about you. You usher in the end of summer and you always go racing by.
You think that your cooling nights will distract me from your noticeably shorter days – but the fading light makes me so sad.

And while my garden is heavy laden with fruits yet to ripen; we cling to your warm sunny days.

Perhaps, this year you will linger well beyond your numbered days.
At least, that is my wish!
If you want to see what others had to say to August, you will find them here. If you want to join Carole and me on Think Write Thursday’s, you can sign up here!
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