Hello Monday

Hello Monday

We survived the weekend and did manage to get a little bit more snow than they expected here in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, but all in all it was good. We got some much-needed painting done but, alas, that does not mean it is all done. Nope, more yet to do – sadly. However, the dining room is looking fab!

Also, weaving continues here at Casa del KatKnits and with some improvement. I have been working on keeping even selvedges and to beating the cloth evenly. There is a fine line between cloth that is too loose and cloth that is too tight, somewhere between is what weavers call “balanced weave.” I am learning and that is a good thing.

I am still using the same warp from before Christmas which has now provided 2 scarves and one Moebius cowl and I still have a good bit of warp still on the loom which I am going to use some vintage BMFA Socks That Rock – Colorway: Médecins Sans Frontières

I did get some advice from my Fiber Guru on how best to secure the edges before fulling the fabric and I will stitch it today and get it in the washer.

There was also some knitting over the weekend, specifically on the mystery socks – I have completed clue two on sock one and started on the second sock. I love the pattern on the leg, and I am excited to see where this goes with this week’s clue!

Monday has been fairly painless here and I am not sure what that means for the remainder of the week, but I hope it is the harbinger of things to come!

It’s All About Texture

It’s All About Texture

Today, it seems that everything is about texture, from this morning’s glorious sunrise with the bubble gum clouds and black limbed trees to my knitting lately!


Ah, Sweet Mystery

Ah, Sweet Mystery

It is January and Christmas is all put away, the “winter season” of television has not yet started, the days in much of the Northern Hemisphere are dark and gloomy.

Not much to look forward to.

Unless you are a knitter…


With a Sense of Urgency

With a Sense of Urgency

“Beware the ides of March.” William Shakespeare

The Ides of March are upon us and with each passing day, the grasp that winter has on us loosens. The Snowdrops outside my back door are bravely baring their blossoms to the hints of warmer weather that have coaxed them forth. They have a sense of urgency…


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