Be Still Sunday
It seems that a bug is making its way through our house, so today there will be a lot of nothing being accomplished.

Netflix and knitting are on my schedule today, how about yours?
It seems that a bug is making its way through our house, so today there will be a lot of nothing being accomplished.
Netflix and knitting are on my schedule today, how about yours?
I have been inspired to join the cool kids in NaBloPoMo. I know! What on earth am I thinking?!?
However, I think I have a good plan. I have put together a calendar of the month with a blog plan for the days.
What?!? A plan for your blog?
In any case, this will give me a good start on ending the year well and a good plan for beginning 2016, which sadly gets closer and closer with every passing day.
And, so it begins: Happy November 1st, Gentle Reader, and welcome to NaBloPoMo at Casa del KatKnits, and after a very busy Sunday morning I think it is time to be still and enjoy the quietness of what remains of the weekend with a bit of knitting and a movie. I hope your weekend was filled with a good balance of activity and stillness. If not, there is still some time to correct that before Monday arrives!