by Kat | May 24, 2010 | General

I’ve always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I’ll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ~Karen Allen
I honestly can admit that in the past 10 years since I have been knitting there have been more days than not that yarn has consumed my thoughts.
Recently though, the yarn thought process has taken on a completely new meaning.
by Kat | Feb 8, 2010 | General
In my on-going search for employment, today entered a new phase. I applied a couple of weeks ago for a “relief rural carrier” (i.e. substitute mail carrier) with the United States Post Office.
Yes, that United States Post Office!
After filling out their extensive and exhausting application, progressed to an “online personality evaluation” – that would be a one hundred and eighty-question personality evaluation. A friend warned me to answer, “Ask your supervisor” for any questions in which I might have my own opinion about!
I must have answered correctly because a few days after that I received an email to inform me that my next step was to schedule my “postal exam” within the next ten days.
by Kat | Feb 2, 2010 | General
In my ongoing attempt to provide you humor for your day I was helpless to share with you all my latest and greatest in the ever elusive search for gainful employment.
As you may, or may not, be aware I live in a state with an inordinate number of Fellow Gainfully Unemployed Souls. Yes, while unemployment nationwide checked in at 10% at year end, Michigan weighed in at a whopping14.6%.
So, with dozens, if not hundreds, of applicants for almost every job I have applied for it becomes a challenge to stand out in the Sea of Unemployed.
But, I try.
What follows is my latest foray, shared here for you all. Seriously, I can’t make this shit up people.
I had an interview with a local fast food chain yesterday for an entry level position.
Yes, you read that right; an entry level position.
So, I did what every good applicant does before an interview.
Or so I thought…
I cleaned myself up.
You know shower, shave, put on clean and pressed clothing, etc. All in an attempt to look “professional” rather than just another desperate hack trying to scramble to the top of the dung heap!
My endeavor was apparently not appreciated because my interviewer was less than impressed with me, and he was more than willing, if not eager, to share his thoughts on the matter, and I quote:
“You are grossly over-qualified….and it would be helpful if you looked like you could actually ‘do’ the work required. This is a job where you actually have to work hard and you have frankly wasted my time.”
It appears I have been banished by the SubNazi.
Evidently you need to be Dumber than a Box of Rocks, dress like Clem Kadiddlehopper, and possess the strength of Hercules to make subs.
Who knew.
by Kat | Dec 27, 2009 | General
It has been quite a year here at Casa del KatKnits. I have come through mostly unscathed and I am reluctant to complain – especially when I see friends who have had much greater trials who utter not a word of discontent. The lesson of their quiet fortitude is one that I need much practice on!
I am however looking forward to the start of a New Year, with great anticipation.
However, I feel that a bit of a recap is in order … sort of a what’s what in the of the Year of the Kat.
It all began with me moving into a new place to live. A nice change. No flooding in the lower level was a vast improvement. The more cost efficient payment was a bonus as well.
I made the transition from being a “day” person to working nights. Not an easy feat for a person who was up without an alarm clock at 5AM for years. This taught me that I can truly do anything, a good lesson to have learned. More on the job later in the post.
I managed to find some time during the year to work on improving my craft – I acquired a loom or two and have found that I love weaving. I also did some spinning that won some awards at the local fiber festival. And, as for knitting – I have discovered the joy of knitting with yarn that I have made. A true joy indeed and this has given me a renewed interest in spinning There is just something wonderfully indulgent about putting socks on that you have spun and knit. It was a year of selfish knitting though, and my knitted wardrobe has increased nicely.