What the…
Tuesday, the most awesome of blog days!! (Not!!) Today I am really jonesing for Carole to bring back 10 on Tuesday prompts. You know, those days when I did not have to think too much! However, today I have some What the Heck items that have me completely dumbfounded and provoking lots of thought!
Tide Pods. Seriously, are we all so stupid now that warnings need to go out to not eat them???
Quince and Co posted on Instagram an image of some cute hats knit with their yarn and they got some a lot of flak for posting it.
I got an email on Sunday from an organization that I think is doing great work, however, they informed me that compromise is a dirty word and anyone participating in any sort of compromise is a target to vote out of office. Really? Perhaps they need a refresher on how government functions… And, before you all start in on me… I am 200% for a Dreamer solution, yesterday. But, as in all things, solutions require compromise – not my way or the highway tactics – which means that sometimes you give on things to get things you want.
Why I keep some of the things I do…The junk drawer contained a tome of things that made me say, what the heck? For example, I found appliance manuals for appliances that have been long gone from this house. The removal of that almost 12-inch stack has brought volumes of space to our junk drawer!
On a brighter note, I appreciate all your sage advice on sock knitting and 100% superwash merino yarn sans nylon. I will get the skein caked and do a bit of swatching. Sokkusu O is a very tightly twisted yarn that just might work. If not… my second choice is Gourmet Stash “Grinchy” sock yarn that does have a good bit of nylon.
Happy Tuesday and I hope your day has absolutely no “what the” moments!