by Kat | Dec 19, 2016 | General, In This Moment
It’s Day 19 of Sprite Write’s Virtual Advent Tour and today I am thinking about light! Especially as we are drawing near to Winter Solstice which will usher in the gradual return of light!
There is no shortage of light at my house – the tree has a myriad of lights, the little houses on the mantle cast a warm glow as well.
Candles flicker all over and there are even lights outside that add our bit of cheer to the neighborhood!
However, some days even all that does not seem enough. They cobbled our furnace together with the promise of a return date of Saturday to finish the work (apparently installing a new furnace is not an easy thing to do…) when the weather vetoed that idea.
Ice Storm + power outage = no heat and no furnace crew. However, the ice did provide a lovely, if albeit dangerous view. Everything seemed to be encased in light!
I am thankful for a battery-operated light and a very good book to while away the 6 plus hours of no power.
Yesterday, they were here most of the day working and of course they are not done and won’t be until tomorrow – but at least we have heat in the interim!
Today the Electoral College votes and I wish I could say this would be an enlightening process. But, I did manage to find some enlightenment in history today:
Today in 1776 Thomas Paine published his 1st “American Crisis” essay, which included these much-needed words: “These are the times that try men’s souls” – yes, indeed they are!
In 1932 the British Broadcasting Corp began transmitting overseas. I am sure this was as significant then as it is today. I appreciate the BBC and their unflagging determination to report the news without bias every single day.
And, in 1958 the 1st radio broadcast from outer space transmitted to Earth via a short-wave frequency President Eisenhower said, “This is the President of the United States speaking. Through the marvels of scientific advance, my voice is coming to you from a satellite circling in outer space. Through this unique means I convey to you and to all mankind, America’s wish for Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men Everywhere.” While the satellite was short-lived, the message certainly is not. Those words give me hope as Christmas draws near and I will be doing my part today as I knit my Peace Cowl and I send you all good will from my little corner of the world where the lights shine brightly and the door is open!
Happy Monday everyone!
by Kat | Sep 27, 2016 | General, In This Moment
Grey skies, wild winds, and chilly weather – fall is absolutely here in Northern Michigan!
However, the beer is good.
And, so are the burgers!
The diet… not so much!
by Kat | Aug 29, 2016 | General, In This Moment
It was a quiet weekend in my corner of the world. Quiet, hot, and muggy. Relief is in sight however, which is ironically forecast to arrive on Thursday – September 1st.
I think the weather gods are having a good laugh over this. But, really. I am so ready!
We picked volumes from our little garden – we picked some things that were not quite ripe, which turned out to be a very good thing when the deluge of rain hit last night. It was nice (not!) to leave us with a foggy steam bath this morning.
My list seems long today, however, I was up bright and early. Yogurt is at work in the Instant Pot, quick Roasted Raspberry Jam is done and cooling in a jar, and in moments these lovely tomatoes will be on their way to the most delicious jam ever.
I hope your weekend was filled with good things! Here is to lots lines crossing things off my list for this week… how about you?
by Kat | Jul 25, 2016 | General, In This Moment
This was the weekend that I was beyond thankful for central air conditioning, because it was hot and humid. If you don’t have AC and you live in an area that was included in the Heat Dome, you have my sympathies.
In a weekend of unstable weather with intermittent pop up heavy thunder showers creating sauna-like conditions outdoors, but all I was interested in doing was staying cool indoors!
Happy Hour on Friday was an indoor affair, but we had cold drinks and I made some crab dip that was fantastic!
There was knitting and spinning; I finished the Mystery Shawl and TdF. More on them later this week.
I spent some time reading – I am plugging through Brad Meltzer’s The Inner Circle. I am, thus far, not impressed.
I harvested the first, full-sized tomato, which was fantastic!
I also enjoyed the early morning garden views with some spidery artwork and water kissed roses.
All that and Monday still arrived right on schedule.
How was your weekend?
by Kat | May 16, 2016 | General, In This Moment
After having several irregular weekends in a row, we celebrated having just a normal old weekend here at Casa del KatKnits!
There were Rhubarb Mules, mmmmmmmm.
It was nice to start the weekend with something that makes us so happy and relaxed!
We did some Farmer’s Marketing, some IKEA wandering, and some Green House visiting.
There was reading, and knitting, and spinning, too.
While the weather was not spectacular, we did all kinds of things that help in the recharging of body and soul, and makes Monday not the challenge that it wants to be!
How was your weekend?
Buffalo Cauliflower:
- Pre-heat oven to 425°F
- 1 head of Cauliflower, cored and cut up (try and cut the pieces in even sizes so they cook uniformly)
- Toss cut cauliflower with 1 TBSP olive oil and 1 tsp of Chili powder and lay on a baking sheet.
- Bake in the oven for 15 minutes or so, until they begin to soften and brown but are not mushy.
- Remove from oven and toss with buffalo sauce, serve with blue cheese dip or ranch if that is your preference.
Steve’s Buffalo Sauce:
- ½ Cup Frank’s Red Hot
- 2 Tbsp Butter, melted
- 1 tsp White vinegar
- 1 ½ tsp Worcestershire Sauce
- Chili powder to taste (add more or less for spiciness)
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp black pepper
- Dash of celery salt
Steve finds the best way to heat the sauce is in the microwave at 10-15 second intervals on high, stirring as it warms to keep the butter incorporated. You do not want the sauce hot, but just warm enough to combine. If you overheat it the butter separates.