by Kat | Mar 15, 2015 | General, Making
“Beware the ides of March.” William Shakespeare
The Ides of March are upon us and with each passing day, the grasp that winter has on us loosens. The Snowdrops outside my back door are bravely baring their blossoms to the hints of warmer weather that have coaxed them forth. They have a sense of urgency…
by Kat | Jan 26, 2014 | General
For a great portion of North America the weather outside is indeed frightful. Yet, nestled away in my freezer were some frozen bits of summer. I pulled them out and baked them into some amazingly delicious muffins.
These are sure to brighten up a cold winter’s day.
by Kat | Jul 8, 2012 | General
It has been a quiet week here at Casa del KatKnits, with temperatures climbing into the triple digits causing many to hibernate to an air conditioned place to beat the heat.
My garden is growing nicely, even if my lawn looks like the Sahara Desert. We have had little to no rain here, but the bonus of container gardening is easy watering and the ability to move things out of the scorching heat, for which my plants are grateful, I am sure!
With a brief respite from the heat for a few days – it is amazing how cool the 80’s can feel after a stint of 100 plus degree-days. I am enjoying open windows, blowing breezes, and chirping birds.
I have begun my summer knitting project, in preparation/training for the highly controversial Ravelry “Ravellenic” Knitting event. Who knew that knitters could be such a divisive lot? My summer project is the lovely Buttercup by Heidi Kirrmaier, knit out of Elsebeth Lavold’s Hempathy. It is indeed the right yarn to be knitting with on these hot summer days and nights. Now, bring on the Olympics to maximize my knitting time!
Happy Summer all!
by Kat | Feb 13, 2011 | General
Daylight increasing
Slowly melting snow and ice
Winter is waning
by Kat | Jan 23, 2011 | General
Winter is wreaking havoc here in my little corner of the world. When I woke up this morning, the air temperature was about 10 below.
It has managed to inch its way up to 16 out, not quite a heat wave, but at least it is working in the right direction!
Up next, a big bowl of homemade split pea soup and some fresh, hot, homemade crusty bread.
If it cannot be warm outside, at least I will be warm inside.