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Friday Life Savers | 2.7.25

Friday Life Savers | 2.7.25

Oh, Friday... I am ever so glad you are here! It has been a full week... a bit too full perhaps and next week does not look much better! But even in "not busy" weeks it is so easy to get bogged down by the Tsunami of Chaos that is barreling down on us each day. I have...

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.5.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.5.25

Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! My doctors appointment on Monday did indeed result in more appointments (one surprised me with the urgency... I see specialist #1, the ENT,  next Tuesday. I assumed my stomach issues would mean I would see a...

Hello, February! | 2.3.25

Hello, February! | 2.3.25

February is the border between winter and spring. — Terri Guillemets And that border became very visible in my backyard over the weekend! Why you ask? Well, those daffodil bulbs I planted 2 years ago... colossally huge daffs... are poking leaves through the dirt and...

Avoiding the Tsunami of Chaos | 1.31.25

Avoiding the Tsunami of Chaos | 1.31.25

In the year that has crept past since 1/20/25, I have found solace in poetry... poetry I have been reading aloud to myself (and the company of unknowns who are listening to me.) This morning, serendipitously, a Maggie Smith poem was "up"... and it was full of the...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.29.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.29.25

Greetings Gentle Unravelers and Happy Lunar New Year! Being a person with an overly large case of ophidiophobia... I am not certain I will be celebrating "the year of the snake" but I did not know that this year is considered "transitional" and prepares the way to the...

Yutori… a beginning | January 2025

Yutori… a beginning | January 2025

Welcome to all of you who are focusing on a word for the year... I hope that your January start helped your settle your feet on the path of your year and even it the path is bumpy now, I know it will smooth out soon! The link up is at the bottom of this post! January...

Finding Hope | 1.24.25

Finding Hope | 1.24.25

I am taking a page from Kym and will be occasionally sharing the hope I find in my days with you all... perhaps my hope will inspire your hope as Kym's hope has certainly inspired mine! Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. — Martin Luther This...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.22.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.22.25

Greetings dear Unravelers... I hope you are all bundled in all the knits today! I am because it is beyond bitterly cold here! First, a bit of a Frankie update... surgery did absolutely not go as planned on Monday morning. One testicle was exactly where it should...

Sometimes Monday | 1.20.25

Sometimes Monday | 1.20.25

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. — Martin Luther King Jr. Today I am reminding myself that while disappointment exists... it is absolutely finite, yet hope is an infinite well and I will be in that infinite well of hope today with...

A Gathering of Poetry | 1.16.25

A Gathering of Poetry | 1.16.25

If ever there was a month for poetry it is January. We have had some very winter-like weather this month and for that I am truly grateful. While I might not appreciate the snow and cold, nature surely does. I look around my snow-covered back yard and all my bulbs...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.15.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.15.25

Greetings dearest Unravelers! We are halfway through January... the days are just steadily marching along. I have some finishes to share with you all today and a new beginning! Or should I say a finished project and a "technically finished, but still lacking" project....

Sometimes Monday | 1.13.25

Sometimes Monday | 1.13.25

Is for reveling in winter! Yes, we have snow! Yes, it is cold! (although this morning's 31°F felt downright balmy!!) I cannot tell you the last time we here had snow that stayed on the ground for more than a day or two! It is simply delightful. Winter might be even...

Remembering | 1.10.25

Remembering | 1.10.25

It's been A Week, hasn't it? In an attempt to keep my Clean Out List in my focus... I started with my closet yesterday while I watched the funeral service for President Carter. I was percolating along at a pretty good clip until I discovered a box of loose photographs...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.8.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.8.24

Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! One week into January has brought winter racing in! Yes, we have snow and cold! And that makes me happy because it is exactly what January is supposed to be! My son and daughter-in-law gave me a "Rolife Book Nook &...

Hello, January | 1.6.25

Hello, January | 1.6.25

JANUARY, The first month of the year, A perfect time to start all over again, Changing energies and deserting old moods, New beginnings, new attitudes ― Charmaine J Forde And perhaps even knowing what actual day it is! Yes, hello, January! Yes, I have spent the last...

Welcome to Yutori | 1.3.25

Welcome to Yutori | 1.3.25

As I said here, it is so sad that English words can be so lacking... However, I aim to remedy that this year with my word choice! (or did this word choose me??) I discovered Yutori last July when I was spending some time thinking about companion words for time. Of all...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.1.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.1.25

Happy New Year Gentle Unravelers! As promised, this week is all about my reading last year. It was a good year... sort of. As I explained earlier as I was doing my year-end review of 2024... I discovered that I did not remember much about a lot of the books I read so...

A Year of Time | December 2024

A Year of Time | December 2024

All this apparently began when matter and light decoupled. What were they arguing about, I wonder? The future? It’s always the future isn’t it? An excerpt from David Hinton's essay/poem on time in Emergence Magazine volume V: Time It has been such a magnificent year....


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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