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A Halloween Contest….

A Halloween Contest….

 Hello Everyone!  Are you ready for All Hallows Eve?  Do you have your treats ready? It has been a busy end of month - I am amazed at how mild it has been.  The weather man did not need to tell me that it has been one of the warmest October's on record - I have been...

Waning October!

Waning October!

 Hello everyone!  Is anyone else amazed that this is the last Friday in October?  Yeah - where did the month go? Tonight Heidi has her Decomposer's Festival Concert - this is one of the kids favorite concerts all year.  There will be great music, light refreshments,...

It's chilly outside!

Hello everyone.  Fall has, at long last, arrived!  When I got up this morning it was so crisp and chilly outside.  It smelled so great!  This is a great improvement from the "wet" smell in my condo.  Yes, you read that right - wet.  The switch went out on the sump...

Weekends are for….

Good morning!!  Yes, we are up bright and early here - I have to head into work shortly and I wanted to finish up the laundry so I was not stuck doing that for the remainder of the day!  This is the best time of the day - it is quiet, I can sip my coffee, catch up on...

Friday = Fun day?

Hello everyone - well, last night we had some insane weather blow through our area.  It got dark and windy out - all of a sudden.  Then, the rains came down - lots of rain beating against the house.  Then came the hail - it was like buckshot being blasted at the...

Rhinebeck Envy…

Hello Everyone!  We are truly in the midst of Autumn here.  It seems that every other day we have overcast skies, damp, chilly weather, and intermittent rain.  This is the time of year that the color of the trees makes up for the lack of sunshine.  Against the gray...

Kids and kittens

Kids and kittens

Hello everyone!  It seems fall has arrived - kicking summer to the curb in it's excitement to arrive.  So, today dawned gray, rainy, and cold - with no trace of summer who was lolling around on the sofa yesterday.   Words of warning - be careful of what you wish for -...

Too hot to….

Hello Everyone - here it is a week into October and it was 90 plus degrees out today.  That's right, 90 plus - on October 7th. Ummmm....... Hello, Autumn?  Are you there???? I can honestly say it was almost too hot to knit today.  Yep, the wool had to go... Banished...

October skies

Hello Everyone - have you all noticed how it seems like "overnight" that Autumn is in the air?  The trees are beginning to have a riot of color on those roads that hug the Lake Michigan coast - and in the rain this morning the smell of fall was in the air.  It was...

The times they are a changin'

Well Hello Everyone!  Are you all finding it hard to get out of bed in the mornings like I am?  It is darker and darker in the mornings and there is a bit of a chill in the air that is encouraging me to stay snuggled under the blankets and grab a few more minutes of...

You think summer's over?

You think summer's over?

Then come on a picnic with me!   That's right Carole was my Special Swap partner for the Picnic swap - and she sent me to the beach!  My goodies included a great beach towel, a "misting fan" to keep me cool, some awesome coctail napkins, a super-cool flip-flop for my...

Tossing and turning…

...and spinning and spinning... Well, it's been a hectic week here at the Christensen Huis - school started for all the Christensen children.  Rachel is off to the U of M  and Heidi and Sam are back in school as well.  Busy mornings, busy days at work, and busy...

Saturday Sunshine

Hello Everyone!  I was awakened this morning by the sun peeking in the window!  It was warm and welcoming.  Nights have been getting cooler here.  And, nights have been getting longer - the sun did not wake me until after 8AM!  All these things add up to summer...

Hello September?

Hello Everyone! How on earth do we all find ourselves looking at September arriving this weekend.  Wasn't it just yesterday that we were all celebrating the Memorial Day Weekend and ushering in summer?  What a strange feeling to have the "official end" to white shoes...

Why you need a life line….

Or why you should not knit on cold medication! Hello everyone.  Summer is winding down and with it I have come down with the mother of all colds.  I am living on cold medicine and my poor brain is in a fog. Now, knowing all that - what on earth possessed me to pull...

It was a very weak moment!

It was a very weak moment!

Hello everyone!  Fiber Festival in Allegan was so much fun - and there was some stash enhancement!  And, I bought a drop spindle - I know, I was just going to look!  Well, it looked like an interesting and wonderful way to drive myself nuts this weekend!  So I...

Fiber Fest, here I come!

Fiber Fest, here I come!

  So, here is my first EZ knit - this is the Baby Surprise Jacket for Steve and Jinda's "baby in progress"! This little bundle of joy is expected to arrive sometime early in February. I am going to join the shoulders with an attached i-cord. I absolutely loved...

Take me out to the ballgame…

Hello Everyone!  Well, even though it is not a "stitch and pitch" game - I have procured 4 tickets to the West Michigan Whitecaps game tonight.  I am heading out with Ken and two friends - Paul and Linda.  I will be bringing "Something Black" to knit as I "watch" the...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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