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It's Bloomin' at my house!

It's Bloomin' at my house!

I got home last night and what did I find on my doorstep?!? My Bloomin' Feet socks from Gracie!! She knit them out of Colinette Jitterbug - which I have not yet knit with! They are a bit big - but they are awesome! Thanks Gracie - she also included some chocolate for...

Monday Morning Blah's?

Am I the only one who feels like the weekend is a total blur?  Did we have a weekend?  It was hectic - and Heidi had her All City Concert on Sunday afternoon.  It was lovely!  Just amazing - I am stunned at how good she is getting, and how good the groups she plays in...

Moving Day!

Hello everyone - well, I have made the BIG move over to wordpress.com - head on over and see! I still have some housekeeping things to do, but I will be waiting for your arrival! Here is the link http://askatknits.wordpress.com/See you there!

Weekend's are for catching up!

Hello everyone!  Does everyone feel like the weekend just flies by - with all the catch up you do from the week?  I cannot believe that Saturday is almost over!  I have almost all the laundry done, house cleaned, planted some flowers, and started a NEW blog!  Welcome...

Bloomin' Mother's Day!

Bloomin' Mother's Day!

Hello everyone! Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! It is a beautiful day here - and it was such a blessing to have 2 of my kids with me to worship today. An even bigger blessing, to take communion with them. This was a great way to start the day. We had a...

Welcoming Friday – it has been a long week!

Hello everyone! I am certainly glad that it is finally Friday! It has been an infinitely long week! Last night I went to Knit Night - I had missed the past couple of weeks due to other commitments - and it was soooo good to be back! I love seeing what everyone is...

Tulip Time!

Hello Everyone. Well, it is Tulip Time here in Holland - and we are gearing up for a big week. My plan is to work out of town on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Avoid the traffic on the big days! There will be parades, street scrubbing, bands, and miles and miles and...

Ciao dall'Italia (Hello from Italy)

Ciao dall'Italia (Hello from Italy)

I am a lucky participant in Lynne's Special Swap and travel genius Lu sent me off to Italy!Ciao dall'Italia! La LU bella lo ha trasmesso fuori su un viaggio bello in Italia. Ci erano tesori dappertutto e non potrei chiedere un agente migliore di corsa. La LU proviene...

I am a travelin' girl…

Hello everyone! I had a great weekend here in sunny, warm Western Michigan! Yes - you read that right - sunny and warm! The leaves are popping out on the trees, the birds are singing, flowers are blooming! It appears that spring has decided to stay!!I got a wonderful...

Cafe' Pops and one proud Mom!

Hello Everyone!! Last night was my daughter Heidi's big spring orchestra to-do! It was Cafe' Pops - some great desserts to delight your palatte and some even better music to delight your ears. Heidi is a sophomore and is in Concert and Symphony Orchestra - she plays...

Sunday's are fun days!

Sunday's are fun days!

Hey everyone! Well, I had a great weekend - a really great weekend! The weather seemed to have given us all a break and the sun came out! It is amazing what a little sunshine can do!On Friday I got together with some friends for dinner - we laughed and had a great...

Operation Haremail

I love to arrive home and find a package on my doorstep! I arrived home Tuesday to find a nice little box waiting for me! I got my package from my partner for Operation Haremail - Debra (I think she is blogless because she did not send me her email or her blog...

It's Monday already?!

Good Morning everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. We certainly did here - inspite of the SNOW!! It was snowing so hard on Friday night - I could not see the vehicle in front of me! All this cold has made the neighbors Magnolia tree blooms shrivel...

The Ragman

On this very Good Friday I leave you all with something written by The Rev. Walter Wangerin Jr. Have a most blessed day. RagmanWalter WangerinI saw a strange sight. I stumbled upon a story most strange, like nothing my life, my street sense, my sly tongue had ever...

A Harlot's Tale

A Harlot's Tale

Hello Everyone! Well, hope you all had a marvelous weekend - mine sure ended on an up note. I traveled across this great state from Holland to Ann Arbor to see The Yarn Harlot - Stephanie Pearl-McPhee speak at the library there.I headed out right after church, it...

April Showers…

Good Morning everyone! First off, we have a winner - Beth had the correct guess of 30! Congratulations!!Did you all have a good Palm Sunday? I know I did - up early and off to church, then I headed out for Ann Arbor to hear The Yarn Harlot. I have pictures that I will...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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