Welcome to My Blog
Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarUnraveled Wednesday | 5.24.23
Greetings Unravelers! I hinted on Monday about organizing my in-process knitting and starting a bit of a Summer KAL... you are welcome to join if you wish! I had an overflowing knitting bag, full of in process knits. Some, sadly, have been lingering around for too...
Sometimes Monday | 5.22.23
is a good day to check in with myself... Why? Well it really feels like May is racing by much too quickly! And thanks to our brief, but spectacular, vacation there was no "Welcome May" post and so I am feeling a bit adrift this month. I have accomplished much......
A Gathering of Poetry | 5.18.23
I do not recall when I first stumbled across this Rilke poem... but it has become a frequent guest of my morning meditations as I read it, prayer like, to help me begin my day... I hope this poem finds a spot in your day to lift you as you remind yourself "I am!" Let...
Unraveled Wednesday | 5.17.23
Greetings Unravelers! Happy Wednesday! I should be sock knitting, but my days have been a bit hectic. I am behind on my painting class, I am behind on garden chores, my closet is at the implode stage with winter/spring/summer all in a huge muddle...but what I have...
Museum of Me | May 2023
There is always one moment in childhood when a door opens and lets the future in. — Graham Greene I have spent a good bit of time contemplating this post. Then versus now... 10 year old me versus 62 year old me. I looked for photo's, but... sadly, there are few...
Friday Finds | 5.12.23
Last week's break was such a good thing for me... mentally. I did not blog and I did not spend much time on social media... the total time I spent was picking photos for two IG posts from Erie. Posting and not scrolling seems selfish as I am writing this today. But...
Unraveled Wednesday | 5.10.23
Greetings Unravelers! It felt good to have a bit of a break from all things electronic, although I did miss you all. I am trying to catch up on blog reading... a little bit each day. I should be all caught up soon! My list for the week is looking good... all the...
That Steep Re-entry Curve | 5.8.23
The vacation was... interesting. There was a significant amount of rain and the beginning was very cold. However, I am very happy to report that my Handspun sweater and newly stitched sweatshirts were PERFECT in every way! One of us had plenty of things to occupy...
Erie in 3…2… | 4.28.23
I have plans for lots of hikes, birding, and a plethora of good food.... (that is if the weather cooperates... right now, it looks like there will be lots of rain... sigh, lol) See you all back here May 8! Have a great weekend all!
Thursday’s are for Poetry | 4.27.28
It is my favorite day... in my favorite month. The idea that you can carry poems with you... what a delightful thing! Today we are all sharing some poems for your pockets... Today, I am sharing one for all of us for whom sleep is, at times, elusive. Apparently, dear...
Unraveled Wednesday | 4.26.23
Greetings Unravelers! Is it just me, or did April just bolt past at record speed? Anyways, we find ourselves at our last Wednesday in April... boo! But, it has been a good month! Recently, I have had some great questions and some even better discussions that all were...
Looking for Authenticity | April 2023
It's been a very quiet month in the OLW department. Ali Edward's prompt for the month was to look for our word to show up in our days... and so I practiced patience and tried to pay attention.... sigh. At times the silence was jarring and after a week of waiting with...
Friday Finds | 4.21.23
Whew! It's been a week... and I have arrived on Friday with a completed list! Yes, yes! All the sewing is done! I am closing in the the toe of the second red sock! And I have started on the Vacation List! And I managed to stumble across a few things this week that are...
Thursday’s are for Poetry | 4.20.23
This week is all about love... a difficult subject for me. I am not a flowery, all sorts of love words kind of person. But I began the great Love Poem search both online and scouring my poetry books for something... loving. And after all that searching I still came...
Unraveled Wednesday | 4.19.23
Greetings Unravelers! On Sunday, I had 3 sweatshirts and a skirt that were all ready for the sewing... and this morning, I just have one last sweatshirt to go! I have sewed both versions of Sew House Seven's Toaster Sweater and I love both of them! The directions are...
Museum of Me | April 2023
Welcome, welcome! This month's prompt asked about what old, worn out thing can we not part with... I have thought long and hard about this post... and I am twisting it about a bit. Rather than worn out, I have found the well-worn... as in well-worn memories. (and it...
Thursday’s Are For Poetry | 4.13.23
Welcome to the second week of National Poetry Month! This week, we are all sharing a poem by our Poet Laureate, Ada Limón. I have a plethora of Ada Favorites in my poetry collection, but I think the thing I like best about Ada's poetry is the way she lifts women... it...
Unraveled Wednesday | 4.12.23
Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! It is the week for finished objects in my house... the reason for that is rage-knitting. Although, I hear some of you are rage-weeding and I have done some weeding, but in spurts... perhaps not enough spurts because there are...