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Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarStitching up the week | 6.4.21
Greetings, Gentle Readers. It's been a short-long week in my house. Short in the days which fairly flew by... long in the nights with a raging bout of insomnia that has lasted far too long. Which brings me to this morning where I find myself with a severe case of...
Unraveled Wednesday | 6.2.21
Greetings Unravelers! Welcome to June! Excuse me while I continue doing the dance of joy over my Marled Very-Short-Sleeved Purl Strings. I am in love and think that the solution for "not enough yarn" was the best accident ever! I predict this will get oodles of use...
Sometimes Tuesday’s… | 6.1.21
Feel like the long weekend was just not quite long enough and I spent zero time even thinking about a blog post. Thank goodness for poetry...this poem arrived in my mailbox on Sunday and it seemed just perfect for the rainy weekend and there is something amazing about...
Unraveled Wednesday | 5.26.21
I am not quite sure how it is the last Wednesday of May, but here we are. Kym hoped that I would share my "list" and I think that is a very good idea for a couple of reasons! One: accountability (which is a very good thing for me! lol) and Two: if I have a list, I...
Release | 5.25.21
“They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite” ― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince It seems that I have found the path forward with my word, and while I can't say it feels good... it is a good thing. My "ah-ha" moment came...
TGIF | 5.21.21
Happy Friday, Gentle Readers...but honestly, I can't quite believe it's Friday! This week just raced by at a speed that is a bit frightening. Summer arrived rather abruptly... it went from frosty mornings and the need for the furnace last week to some very warm...
Unraveled Wednesday | 5.19.21
“Always listen to the warnings from your heart.” ― Teresa Collins Greetings Unravelers! I hoped to have a finished sock, but I finally listened to that nagging voice in my head and ripped out the sock I had started a couple of weeks ago. Even though this is a pattern...
Sometimes Monday… | 5.17.21
...is a respite from The Very, Very, Incredibly Busy Weekend. It was full. So full. My weekend started with some al Fresco-soak in the sunshine-sip a couple of beers dining. Yes, sunshine!! Temperatures that were well above freezing! Gosh, it felt so good and was the...
TGIF (etc) | 5.14.21
It feels like I have not done one of these posts in ages and so I thought that it would be a wonderful way to end the week: (bookish) Thinking — I managed to print out not one, but two Summer Book Bingo cards. I know... what is wrong with me! But there is a method to...
Unraveled Wednesday | 5.12.21
Try new things, step out of your comfort zone, take risks, do things in ways you've never done them before, ask for help, surround yourself with self-actualized people, become obsessed with the fact that you have one go–round on this planet as the you that is you, and...
Sometimes Monday… | 5.10.21
arrives right on schedule despite a weekend of little sleep...courtesy of a returning bout of insomnia. comes with a longer than usual to do list...courtesy of me ignoring things to sit and spin instead for most of last week. shows up despite having done no blog post...
My New Spinning Obsession
I had the unbelievable fortune to take not one, but two of the online class offerings from MDSW last week. My first class, Twist with Maggie Casey, was mind-blowing. For a long time... too long...I have spun the same default yarn. Now, that is not necessarily a bad...
Unraveled Wednesday | 5.5.21
If you're not making some mistakes, it probably means you're not trying hard enough. — Evan Davis Greetings, Gentle Unravelers! May is unfurling like the leaves on the trees in my yard and it feels so good! Me Made May is underway and it is off to a good start! My...
Looking Back | April 2021
Snow in April is abominable," said Anne. "Like a slap in the face when you expected a kiss. ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside The start of April seemed to go unbelievably slowly – inching by at a snails pace. And there were so many days with snow! Gah, crazy I tell...
April is for Poetry | 4.29.21
Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what is seen during the moment. — Carl Sandburg April is just such an amazing month and I hope that during the month we have opened some doors and allowed you to ponder the...
Unraveled Wednesday | 4.28.21
100 years ago, buying something you could make was considered wasteful; now making something you could buy is considered wasteful. I am not convinced this is a step in the right direction. ― Stephanie Pearl-McPhee I thought this quote was exactly the reminder I needed...
Release | 4.26.21
Go outside. Don’t tell anyone and don’t bring your phone. Start walking and keep walking until you no longer know the road like the palm of your hand, because we walk the same roads day in and day out, to the bus and back home and we cease to see. We walk in our sleep...
April is for Poetry | 4.22.21
Sometimes poetry is witty and clever...I think my grandfather's favorite poet, Carl Sandburg, hits this brilliantly with his poem Fog. When my grandfather would recite this poem to me I could see exactly what Sandburg meant in the clever way he uses a cat to describe...