Welcome to My Blog
Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarUnraveled Wednesday | 3.20.24
Greetings Gentle Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! I have finished my *third* pair of socks this year! What??? I don't know who these socks will be for, but they are going in the Gift Bag for someone! I am going to cast on another pair pronto... I have some Vintage...
In my backyard | 3.18.24
Today is a day for celebration! It is the last full day of winter!! And yet...I have savored these 13 weeks slowly and thoughtfully as I read one essay a week with Margaret Renkl. It was the most aware winter of my life and I am celebrating every moment of winter as...
Unraveled Wednesday | 3.13.24
Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy almost mid-March! I am absolutely not loving how quickly these days are moving along! I do have that first sock done and I immediately started the second sock so I have something to "mindlessly" knit at night. It was a good choice...
Sometimes Monday | 3.11.24
Welcome to the Mondayist Monday... the Monday after the Spring Forward time change. Are you all back on track yet? I am better than yesterday but still not feeling "right". Yesterday, Old Man Winter reminded us all that Winter Is Not Over. We had wild winds and...
Friday Finds | 3.8.24
Happy Friday everyone! I am still on fire from Joe's speech last night... it was so so good! Yes, I stayed up past my bedtime to watch the entire thing! (My favorite moment... Joe putting SCOTUS on notice! LOL The Best!!) But there were some "finds" this week that...
Unraveled Wednesday | 3.6.24
Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! The making had a slight interruption this week with a blast of balmy weather it made sense to get out into the garden while the sun was shining! And despite it feeling unbelievably wrong to be out in shirtsleeves in...
Currently | March 4, 2024
It feels like we might be through the bulk of our "false spring starts" and might be leaning into actual spring! And although we do have some chillier overnight temps in the forecast for next week, most days are in the 50's (and warmer!) I am really ready for this...
Hello, March | 3.1.24
March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine. ― L.M. Montgomery L.M. Montgomery's quote above...
Unraveled Wednesday | 2.28.24
Greetings dear Unravelers! We have arrived at the last Wednesday of February. The month started (at least for me) to creep along slowly and then it picked up speed and just kept barreling along. It does not seem possible that we turn the page to a new month this week!...
Self Time | February 2024
Self-care is not a waste of time. Self-care makes your use of time more sustainable. — Jackie Viramontez I approached the concept of time a bit differently this month. I am not very good at the idea of "self-care" (as I think many women are...sigh.) Every day this...
Unraveled Wednesday | 2.21.24
Greetings Dear Unravelers and Welcome! There was some unraveling this week... remember that hat I shared last week? Well, it was just too big, which for a hat is not a good thing. I got gauge, but it was just huge. This yarn has "tried" to be a number of things so...
Sometimes Monday | 2.19.24
Is for processing the weekends thoughts and ideas! You all provided an abundance of food for thought with your comments last week...thank you so much for your input! Yes, I have been thinking LOTS of thoughts about that Great Cabled Disaster of a Sweater... starting...
A Gathering of Poetry | February 2024
As a person who finds a great deal of silliness with Valentine's Day and the whole idea that surrounds it... love poems are not my favorite. That is until I read José A. Alcántara's poem in Poetry of Presence II. (I mean a former construction worker, baker, commercial...
Unraveled Wednesday | 2.14.24
Greetings Unravelers and Happy Valentine's Day Ash Wednesday! (Or the opening of Fried Fish Season... IYKYK) It is a day for all.the.things... especially the things we make! I have some good... and some not so good to share with you today. I will start with the good.....
Sometimes Monday | 2.12.24
needs a bit of humor... Yes, we have departed the Fool's Spring and have arrived at the Second Winter portion of February. Sigh. The snow onslaught begins overnight... Staying in the Land of Humor... I finished the seaming of the sweater. It might be a trifle big......
Things I learned this week | 2.9.24
Happy Friday! Yes, February is moving on... rather rapidly! (too rapidly?) I am thinking that our little run of gloriously sunny days might be the reason why... because the normal sunless winter we usually get... well, those days just seem to drag, don't they? But...
Unraveled Wednesday | 2.7.24
Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy First Wednesday in February! Is it just me or are you all surprised to find yourself on the seventh day of this month? I hit a HUGE milestone on Sunday afternoon... (I feel like I should insert a drumroll here... lol) I finished the...
Welcome February | 2.5.24
The Polar Intuit of northwest Greenland, the northernmost people, call February ‘seqinniaq’, “the month when the sun appears. ― Fred Bruemmer Yes, February brings lengthening days and in Pittsburgh, we will gain an additional 66 minutes of daylight this month! Woot!...