A First Friday of Summer RIFF | 6.23.23

A First Friday of Summer RIFF | 6.23.23

First Summer Friday is a rainy one in my neighborhood... but that is okay, we need the rain and it smells so good outside! My tomatoes are growing by leaps and bounds and they are all loaded with tomato blossoms! I hope this means an abundant year of tomatoes... my...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Unraveled Wednesday | 9.11.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 9.11.19

September Unraveling is going well… and with no unraveling to date! I have indeed finished Reagan's sleeves and have begun the lace work, although the sweater looks like a great grey blob right now! As I write this, I am completed the first repeat of the pattern and...

Make it Monday | 9.9.19

Make it Monday | 9.9.19

The "list-free" weekend was truly restful – although, on Sunday we did get some much needed yard work done! We did a bit of culling of the dying plants from the pots on the patio - the coleus was getting pretty leggy and were dropping leaves thanks to the spate of...

Friday Thoughts | 9.6.19

Friday Thoughts | 9.6.19

I have been spending a good bit of time thinking about how to reinvigorate me as I contemplate my blog. I keep circling back to the less is sometimes so much more concept as I have contemplated this space. I know that we all have a finite number of minutes during the...

Unraveled Wednesday | 9.4.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 9.4.19

Let me just say that knitting something for 34-ish inches in stockinette can be quite boring…except when you have 5 seasons of DCI Banks to binge. And, that is partially how I got those 34-ish inches knit quickly! I have now moved on to the sleeves, which I am...

Looking Back | August 2019

Looking Back | August 2019

August, die she must The autumn winds blow chilly and cold. April Come She Will, Simon and Garfunkel If you asked me what I accomplished in August my response would be, 'not much'. But as I look at these images, it seems I accomplished more than...

TGIF | 8.30.19

TGIF | 8.30.19

This year, I have really tried to be in the moment and enjoy the day at hand, rather than wishing for what comes next. I thought it might make the year feel like it is going slower, ha! I am sitting at my PC this morning wondering how on earth August is over, it is...



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