A Gathering of Poetry | 5.18.23

A Gathering of Poetry | 5.18.23

I do not recall when I first stumbled across this Rilke poem... but it has become a frequent guest of my morning meditations as I read it, prayer like, to help me begin my day... I hope this poem finds a spot in your day to lift you as you remind yourself "I am!" Let...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Weekending | 4.15.19

Weekending | 4.15.19

Monday's are never fun, but when Monday and Tax Day fall on The.Same.Day. Well, that should just be against the law, imo! Happy Tax-Monday…NOT! So, rather than dwell on the Monday-est Monday ever – let's rewind the weekend a bit, shall we? Friday, I managed to get a...

TGIF | 4.12.19

TGIF | 4.12.19

It was a full week and next week will be more of the same so today I am just taking a deep breath and planning on spending some time today knitting on my Marsa Alam, because I don't think there will be many knitting moments this weekend – the yard is fairly screaming...

Three on Thursday | 4.11.19

Three on Thursday | 4.11.19

I am happily joining Carole today to share three very good things in pictures from this week! Thing One: The weather has been perfect for keeping this glorious magnolia in my neighborhood just so… It is so full of blooms and must be so old because it is just massive –...

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.10.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.10.19

My Marsa Alam is moving right along! I have passed the sleeve divide and now it is just "mindless knitting" which makes it the perfect companion for all the meetings I have this week! This is the first pattern I have every done that utilizes seamless set in sleeves...

Sometimes Monday | 4.8.19

Sometimes Monday | 4.8.19

Begin with unedited Words of Now… Lenten devotions, still. Stillness. Meditating. Listening…hard. Open windows and cool breezes. Bird songs and snoring dog. The smell of spring rain. The hint of leaves that overnight burst into reality. Iced coffee. Pilates and...

Sometimes Friday Invites Poetry

Sometimes Friday Invites Poetry

It has been a hell of a week and I have been eerily reminded how history repeats itself. Yet, knowing how history happens does not make the here and now less stressful. Yet this morning gentle rains filled my senses with a sense of calm and then I found Sara...



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