Museum of Me – Science For Real Life | 3.10.23

Museum of Me – Science For Real Life | 3.10.23

If I look back on my school days... which I do with some regularity in my 60's... and I note two key things: If I was good at something, I wanted to do it all the time.  If I was not good at something, I found ways to avoid doing it at all costs.  Those two things sum...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Fiber Friday | 7.13.18

Fiber Friday | 7.13.18

By the time you read this, Steve will be off to his work weekend extravaganza and I will be ensconced on the sofa attacking Day 4 of the Beekeeper Cardigan Knit Along. I have roughly 5 inches to go and then the ribbing of the body as per the pattern…BUT!!! I have seen...

Three on Thursday, Insomniac Edition

Three on Thursday, Insomniac Edition

Over the course of my life, I have had bouts of insomnia. Sometimes, the cause of the insomnia was easy to identify and other times I spent many a sleepless night pondering the reason of my inability to sleep. These days the cause of my sleeplessness is easily...

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.11.18

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.11.18

No unraveling this week, but just barely! I am making progress on my Beekeeper Cardigan, but I have had to tink back a few times when I was not paying attention and my bees got out of sync! However, today I have about 5 inches to go in the body, but I won't get any...

Tiny moments | 7.10.18

Tiny moments | 7.10.18

The harvest of the first cherry tomatoes truly ushers in summer. And, it looks like summer is going to go on for a good long time, if I measure it by the bumper crop of tomatoes waiting to be ripened by the sun. Even the little bees are excited! ...

Sometimes Monday… | 7.9.18

Sometimes Monday… | 7.9.18

...looks ambitious! The weekend reprieve from the crazy heat was most welcome, and while the heat is returning later today, this morning is cool and lovely outside. Perfect to sit outside under the pergola and knit and that is just what I am going to do! That's...

Fiber Friday | 7.6.18

Fiber Friday | 7.6.18

Is it just me, or does Friday feel off-kilter this week? The mid-week fourth has unsettled my inner calendar and I have spent the remainder of the week reminding myself what day it is. One good thing, the blast furnace weather seems to be taking a breather for a few...



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