Thursday’s are for Poetry | 4.7.22

Thursday’s are for Poetry | 4.7.22

This week's theme is hope. Whew. What a week for hope, huh? He that lives upon hope will die fasting. — Benjamin Franklin I have always thought that hope was a singular thing... something you had inside you... or had to find inside you. Or if you could not find it...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Life takes a leap of faith

Hello Gentle Readers! Hope you have all had a wonderful week and that your weekend will go slowly! I had a great day today, a truly great day.  My last day of clinicals was wonderful.  Just simply wonderful.  I filled out an application.  And, turned it in.  Life...

The meaning of life…

First off, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Hopefully you told someone that you love them today and gave them a big hug and kiss!  If you haven't, for heaven's sake, go do it now! As for the meaning of life - I think I have found new meaning in everyday life.  As you...

Giving up something for Lent?

Make mine snow, please. Yes, I will suffer through and give up snow for Lent.  I know, it will be difficult, but I will try and persevere! Yeah.  I know.  I'll let you all know how that works! Well, in the reality of things, we have gotten volumes of snow this year...

ABC Spectrum Along's

ABC Spectrum Along's

Wow, am I glad it is the weekend!  Catch up time for laundry, house work, and knitting!  Without these I'd have to leave the house naked, eating off paper plates, stressed beyond my limits!  Yes, that would be a scary, scary world!  Thus, I am making sure I get lots...

Six words and out…

I listen to NPR religiously and yesterday I heard a great story on Six Word Memoirs So I bring you mine. Loving mother.  Spinning knitter.  Student.  Daughter.

Thirsty Thursday?

Well, after the week I have had, I most definitely declare today... Thirsty Thursday! After driving to work most of the week on bad roads, with bad drivers. Studying my brains out. I am so in need of a break!  And, a nice cold glass of wine! Thus, Thirsty Thursday is...



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