Unraveled Wednesday | 1.12.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.12.22

January is somehow just racing on and honestly, I am shocked today is the 12th! How is that possible? I have been doing lots of spinning and loving every single second of it! I have just two bits of fiber to spin from my Base12 Advent Spin. Seriously, this is...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Monday, Monday

Welcome to Monday and another week! I am still trying to determine if this is a good thing or not. I am working on housework - YUCK and getting ready for my knitting classes that I am teaching next week. I am listening to Its a Purlman's podcast...

Is it Friday yet?

Holy Cats, is it Friday yet? This has been the week from HELL. I had an interview today at a local dress shop - boy was that depressing! She told me that I did not have the qualifications to work in a retail shop! Hmmm, I have written loans at a bank for hundreds of...

Finally – it's Friday

Finally – it's Friday

Hello Everyone - was this a long week, or what! Maybe it is the post-Easter let down, maybe it is still no job and 30 days unemployed is looming, maybe it is "last child confirmed syndrome". Take your pick, it has been a LONG week. I have finished several (4) bags on...

A New Job?

A New Job?

Hello everyone! I had a meeting yesterday with the owner of the "Thistle Gallery" in Douglas - she wants to put my knitting in her shop! I am so excited! I will have 4 felted bags done for her opening on Thursday - and more for her "Grand Opening" in June. I am...

Knitting Contest

Hello Everyone, I love a good contest and so here it is the 5 places I have knit that is not at home or a knitting shop. You can read more at http://kat-knits.blogspot.com/1. American Airline flight to San Juan.2. Hotel Dougherty bar in Clare Michigan3. Dr....

Good Friday Thoughts

Hello everyone, A nice day here in my household. I had the second interview this morning - I am not sure it is going to work. The person was ten minutes late to the interview. The office was not even open when I arrived! It did not set a very good tone. Kyle made it...



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