A Gathering of Poetry | 1.18.24

A Gathering of Poetry | 1.18.24

One of the best things in my week are the moments that I allow a poem to set the tone for my day. This year, I am reading through Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby R. Wilson's Poetry of Presence II as my morning devotion. And last week, a poem really jumped out to me... bits...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.11.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.11.22

Tegna!! She is finished. She just needs a bit of a spa treatment and a quick tumble in the dryer and she will be camera ready! I spent some time earlier this year contemplating my wardrobe needs... and I have one sweater I really like to wear but the neckline bothers...

Sometimes Monday | 5.9.22

Sometimes Monday | 5.9.22

...is for sharing! Gentle Readers, do you have a spouse who is an IG Junkie? Steve must send me at least 4 "reels" a day... and most of them are about food... specifically IG Recipes. Some weeks ago he sent me a recipe for baked feta, and I was so curious as to why he...

Friday Finds | 5.6.22

Friday Finds | 5.6.22

When April steps aside for May, like diamonds all the rain-drops glisten; fresh violets open every day; to some new bird each hour we listen. ― Lucy Larcom I thought this quote was fitting, especially for the weekend weather forecast Pittsburgh has... lots and lots...

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.4.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.4.22

I wish I could be perky and cheerful today... but I am not. The leaked news this week was a gut punch... although I was expecting that very outcome, reading the leaked brief made it a reality that I don't want to accept. In my life, I never imagined that I would lose...

If you buy a sofa… | 5.2.22

If you buy a sofa… | 5.2.22

Greetings! In the Weekend From Hell Category, I (we?) scored a ten. Although perhaps that should be a negative ten...because hell. Ha! We have "been on the lookout" for a sofa for some time now....but most sofa's are too big for our living room. So when we discovered...

Presque Isle | 4.29.22

Presque Isle | 4.29.22

As I shared on Monday, I did not take my usual number of photos on this visit to Presque Isle in Erie. But the lack of images does not diminish the memories...at all. Rather, I think, the lack of photos has sharpened my memories because I spent...



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