A Gathering of Poetry | December 2023

A Gathering of Poetry | December 2023

I have really been focused on "finding the joy" this month... some things have been bogging me down recently that have seemed determined to squeeze any bit of joy I might have out of me... so when I saw this poem on IG and then Kym posted something so perfect from the...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

And so it begins | January 2022

And so it begins | January 2022

Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. — Lao Tzu My process of unpacking full.... has been full of defining - thinking - and writing. I really love full as an adjective: not lacking or omitting anything;...

TGIF | 1.21.22

TGIF | 1.21.22

Today I have a bunch of random things to share and I am making them fit TGIF. I think it works. And so let's get started! Teaching (myself?): Last year, I mentioned that I had some socks in need of some mending... well, the number has grown since then. How is it...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.19.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.19.22

Greetings from the Great White (not so) North! Yes, we got a good bit of snow over the long weekend and there is more in the forecast. I am my most happiest wintery self! I just love the snow (must be that December birthday!) and I am thrilled that more is on the way....

Thoughts to get through Monday | 1.17.22

Thoughts to get through Monday | 1.17.22

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. — Martin Luther King Jr. This is the quote I wrote in my calendar to greet me this morning. An excellent reminder when the finite disappointment seems more like endless disappointment and I have lost...

Museum of Me | January 2022

Museum of Me | January 2022

I thought it might be fun to join Kym once a month and invite you all to an exhibit of My Museum... and then I saw January's prompt: Something you were really good at as a child (either something you still do — or something you “grew out of” doing) Hello fun... come...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.12.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.12.22

January is somehow just racing on and honestly, I am shocked today is the 12th! How is that possible? I have been doing lots of spinning and loving every single second of it! I have just two bits of fiber to spin from my Base12 Advent Spin. Seriously, this is...



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