Practicing Authenticity | September 2023

Practicing Authenticity | September 2023

Nine months in with my word and some days I feel really ready to move on... others... well, the many more other days I feel like the struggle is real. Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation. ― Ann Voskamp, One Thousand...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

TGIF | 10.23.20

TGIF | 10.23.20

It is me, or do the weeks somehow seem longer. I don't know why that is, but boy… this week felt so.darned.long! I am chalking this up to the fact that COVID-emic-ELECTION days are some of the longest days ever, amirite? Anyways, this week felt like the perfect time...

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.21.20

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.21.20

Dear Unravelers, Do you ever feel like you are in a "making" rut? I am in a huge making rut and it really sucks! I have things to knit that I want to finish, but boy... there is just no joy in the making right now. (FYI, the following links are to projects on Ravelry)...

Sometimes Monday | 10.19.20

Sometimes Monday | 10.19.20

Weeks that feel unending makes for a fly-by weekend...or at least that is how it seemed here. The weekend was over before it began. But maybe not... because I got so much done! My planner set up is working wonderfully and it feels good to have everything together....

Friday Things | 10.16.20

Friday Things | 10.16.20

Overnight, the weather has changed...dramatically. Yesterday it was windy and mild... today grey, rainy, and much cooler. It seems that this prediction is spot on, lol... I am shocked because that rarely happens! Oh, and it seems that there is some *snow* in the...

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.14.20

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.14.20

This week, knitting for Olivia has consumed me! I working on the sweetest little layette set that I hope to have winging its way to her in CA soon! The evolution of my knitting has astounded me though... especially in this iteration of the timeless BSJ. I must have...

Oh, Monday | 10.12.20

Oh, Monday | 10.12.20

Last week ended on a stressful note... and then some. Oy. Friday I had a doctors appointment...a stressful thing in itself...and after making it through the "COVID Screening" to get to my doctors office, I thought it would be smooth sailing from there, HA! Sadly, all...



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