March RIFFing | 3.24.23

March RIFFing | 3.24.23

By March, the worst of the winter would be over. The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run and the world would wake into itself again. Not that year. Winter hung in there, like an invalid refusing to die. Day after grey day the ice stayed hard; the world remained...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Fiber Friday | 6.22.18

Fiber Friday | 6.22.18

Rage knitting is becoming a thing, thanks to the efforts of the current regime in the White House. That rage makes seed stitch just fly and the collar of my Vodka Lemonade is done, and I am working my way though the raglan increases. It's a good thing there is no...

Three on Thursday | 6.21.18

Three on Thursday | 6.21.18

Welcome Summer! And, my three things today are songs that no matter what season I hear them in, I am thrown back to the warm days of summer. I also spent a few minutes creating a little Summer Songs playlist on Spotify, you are welcome to follow it! The Lovin'...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.20.18

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.20.18

Greetings Unravelers! This is the week for finished objects! Yes, Eavesdrop is done! This was a great knit – a well-written pattern with video helps for those less often used knitting techniques, and the end result is a very wearable sweater with great little details....

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 6.19.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 6.19.18

I don't care what anybody says: Nothing is better than a tomato you grow. There's something about it that's different than a tomato you can buy. It's a great thing. ~ Tom Vilsack Mr. Vilsack is so right. There is not one thing on this earth that tastes better than a...

Fly by Weekending

Fly by Weekending

It was one of those weekends that moved at warp speed, and before we knew it Sunday night was upon us with a new week was looming on the horizon. I did manage to finish my Eavesdrop Sweater…tee-shirt on Friday night! Woo! That means it got a nice wash and a bit of...

Fiber Friday | 6.15.18

Fiber Friday | 6.15.18

I got to the "try on and see" point with my Eavesdrop last night and I think it needs another inch of length…and so I knit on. But!! The end is near! This weekend has no long list of things to get done, but rather a manageable list. You know, the kind of list that...



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