Unraveled Wednesday | 3.1.23

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.1.23

Greetings Unravelers! It's Wednesday. It's March. And I have some making *thoughts* to share! I have been contemplating that gorgeous corduroy I got some months ago... that I have done nothing with. I had the idea that it would work for this pattern and I even made a...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

How is it Monday already…

How is it Monday already…

…and why is it snowing again??? At 5PM last night, Steve said to me how is it Sunday night already? Where did the weekend go? I could have used at least one more weekend day, or maybe two! Doesn't a 3-day work week sound amazing? Good things about the weekend: The...

A Nebby Fiber Friday

A Nebby Fiber Friday

There is so much to share today, I don't know where to begin! First up… Cluaranach, she is finished! Now begins this great internal debate about blocking her. I am of the mindset this morning that I really don't want to lose all the glorious texture. She needs a bit...

Three on Thursday | 4.5.18

Three on Thursday | 4.5.18

Today's things are a "mixed bag" … Thing One: In the WTF Category Thing Two: I have just 18 rows to go on my Cluaranach! Well, 19 if you count my kitchner row… Thing Three: I have not gotten a hair cut in 8 months, but all that ends today! Yes, I have an appointment...

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.4.18

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.4.18

The knitting continues, steady and slow. I have enough yarn to do one more repeat on each side and then the joining begins! I am also knitting my Lunar Phases MKAL, but I am refraining from sharing "spoilers" until it is done. Confession time, I have absolutely no...

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.3.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.3.18

Yellow daffodils Bring sunshine on fragile stems On grey, rainy days Steve is back at work today, and #The100DayProject begins today. For me that means 100 days of movement, and yes, even on grey rainy days! I hope your Tuesday, like mine, finds you back to your...

Mother Nature, Supreme Jokester

Mother Nature, Supreme Jokester

This is what we woke up to this morning. Mother Nature apparently did not realize that yesterday was April Fool's Day, however, weekending continues as Steve has today off for his birthday! But, maybe the joke is on her because tomorrow it it supposed to be in the...



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