Unraveled Wednesday | 3.13.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.13.24

Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy almost mid-March! I am absolutely not loving how quickly these days are moving along! I do have that first sock done and I immediately started the second sock so I have something to "mindlessly" knit at night. It was a good choice...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.31.23

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.31.23

Greetings Unravelers and Farewell May... sigh. I don't want May to end, it is the loveliest month and I have tried to  savor every moment. However, June waits for no one and June does bring a bit of a treat. I have my yarn ready and I am setting aside some time...

Yes! To Authenticity | May 2023

Yes! To Authenticity | May 2023

Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen. ― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection This month, Ali Edward's team suggested a...

Late May RIFFing | 5.26.23

Late May RIFFing | 5.26.23

It has been a week my friends. Hard things... so many hard things. So this LONG weekend my plan is to just be gentle with myself. Rejoicing — This year my poppy feels like it looks like this and while it is not quite that amazing, this morning there are 17 blooms open...

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.24.23

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.24.23

Greetings Unravelers! I hinted on Monday about organizing my in-process knitting and starting a bit of a Summer KAL... you are welcome to join if you wish! I had an overflowing knitting bag, full of in process knits. Some, sadly, have been lingering around for too...

Sometimes Monday | 5.22.23

Sometimes Monday | 5.22.23

is a good day to check in with myself... Why? Well it really feels like May is racing by much too quickly! And thanks to our brief, but spectacular, vacation there was no "Welcome May" post and so I am feeling a bit adrift this month. I have accomplished much......

A Gathering of Poetry | 5.18.23

A Gathering of Poetry | 5.18.23

I do not recall when I first stumbled across this Rilke poem... but it has become a frequent guest of my morning meditations as I read it, prayer like, to help me begin my day... I hope this poem finds a spot in your day to lift you as you remind yourself "I am!" Let...



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