Presque Isle | 4.29.22

Presque Isle | 4.29.22

As I shared on Monday, I did not take my usual number of photos on this visit to Presque Isle in Erie. But the lack of images does not diminish the all. Rather, I think, the lack of photos has sharpened my memories because I spent...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

The Joys of Nepotism

The Joys of Nepotism

Work has become the bane of my existence. Summer has arrived and with it the influx of the management's offspring who all "work" at the restaurant. I have learned that work is a relative term. Relative to whom one is related. However, having dinner with a lovely and...

Going Bananas

Going Bananas

It was a lazy Sunday here at Casa del KatKnits, it was a rare day off and I caught up on some laundry and a very tiny bit of housework. And, I baked... yes, that is right, I baked. I had some bananas that were nicely ripe and found this recipe on the internet, which...

In Celebration of Me!

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." ~Dr. Seuss As many of you know, I lost my job last December and to say it has been challenging to find replacement work is an understatement! I am fortunate, I guess, to have...

Thoughts on Yarn.

Thoughts on Yarn.

I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ~Karen Allen I honestly can admit that in the past 10 years since I have been knitting there have...

Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime…

Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime…

My Bodacious Leader posed some questions to her Bodacious-Wanna-Be's this week so the focus today is all about summer. Janey wants to know.... What do you do to get ready for summer? What says summer to you – music, food, clothes, activities, you name it… Living in...

A little dirt therapy

A little dirt therapy

DSCF1940, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. It has been a crazy week here at Casa del KatKnits and the weeks end found me needing more than a little therapy. I found it in the dirt. Potting soil, that is. My garden is all set to grow, I have sprinkled a little...



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