Currently | 4.1.22

Currently | 4.1.22

Welcome to the Second Quarter, Gentle Readers! I am wondering how on earth I am welcoming April... no fooling! This year seems to be moving at a pace slightly faster than warp speed... sigh. However, my Blog Calendar tells me that today is the day for my Currently...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Excuse me, but have you seen my snark?

The past several weeks I have felt decidedly lacking in a plethora of areas in my life. I have not been able to put my finger on just one thing that seems to have me “off my game” but rather a flurry of things seems to have put me off track. It appears that my usual...

Can I get a protest, please?

Who is excited besides me that there our President gave the commencement speech at Notre Dame last week? Well, I am off the charts excited for a number of reasons! No, I have not become a closet Notre Dame fan – but, I am utterly enamored of our President and the calm...

Springtime in Holland…

Springtime in Holland…

I have had several quite startling conversations with people recently about some topics that on the surface seem to have nothing to do with each other, however it could be that they are indeed, more closely linked than one would imagine. Therefore, I ask you, Gentle...

The spoils of failure?

I have been closely following the taxpayer bailout of A.I.G, as you all have more than likely been doing also, and I have been stunned with each new turn of events. Okay, truth be told, I have been more than stunned – outraged might be a better word. Being a hard...

…the promise of things hoped for.

Twenty-seven years ago, I made a very difficult decision – one that forever changed my life in a million different ways. As it often is with difficult decisions, it was ultimately the right decision to make, and here is the beautiful part of this decision – it was not...

T-minus 36 hours and counting…

Some twenty-seven odd years ago, my life changed drastically and this weekend the Object of that Change is arriving to visit. The past weeks have almost had a surreal quality and I truly cannot quite believe that the very thing that I always hoped for, but never...



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