Unraveled Wednesday | 3.30.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.30.22

Greetings Unraveler's and Happy Wednesday! I have been very productive since we last talked! I spent some time going through my stash... and I culled quite a few things. So now when I look in my "Yarn Cupboard" I can clearly see what is there, and it has been...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

My father…the Yenta?

One should always be suspicious of early morning phone calls from one’s parent requesting an “impromptu lunch” but apparently, when said child stays up late and wakes with only her partial wits about her, one gives a yes answer without stopping to ponder the deeper...

Anticipation is making me wait…

Merriam-Webster defines anticipation as “the act of looking forward; especially: pleasurable expectation” Did you ever feel like you were standing on the edge of something truly incredible? As I left work this morning the smell of spring was in the air, riding softly...

Semi-silent Sunday's

Semi-silent Sunday's

The perfect start to the day... Alpaca Silk Comfy Socks, Sumatra coffee, the paper, NPR, and knitting...

Random Orts for Thursday…

Random Orts for Thursday…

Ort Number One: Last week I took a little trip to see a friend whom I have been missing – she is the Mistress of Mecca and I had a truly incredible afternoon and evening! I went to see her because Denny put a bug in my ear about taking a class in April that some...

Move over Becky Homecky, there is a new Kat in town…

Move over Becky Homecky, there is a new Kat in town…

It seems that about once a quarter the urge to become one with my inner domestic goddess over takes me and the result is a flurry of deep cleaning, moving things, and the like… Well, I freed my Inner Domestic Goddess yesterday and she was like a whirling dervish! My...



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