Currently | 4.1.22

Currently | 4.1.22

Welcome to the Second Quarter, Gentle Readers! I am wondering how on earth I am welcoming April... no fooling! This year seems to be moving at a pace slightly faster than warp speed... sigh. However, my Blog Calendar tells me that today is the day for my Currently...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

I am my brothers keeper…

There are times in life that a person needs to take a stand in life and make it known most clearly, what they believe in. Gentle reader that time has come. I watched something most amazing last night, most amazing indeed. A person stood up and said aloud for everyone...

A Whole Lotta Nuthin'

Yes, Gentle Reader, that is what I have - a whole lotta nuthin'! Unfortunately, a whole lotta nuthin' does not make for good blog fodder. Therefore, I will just fill you in with volumes of randominity disguised as interesting and humorous anecdotes! First off, I have...

With opened eyes I see…

It is a slow recovery, but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, the journey has opened my eyes to things I have long taken for granted. This has caused me to think about those who have challenges to deal with every single day, for which...

The Joe's Have It!

It is not often in life that you could find yourself in a group where fun catches like wild fire and when you do it is magical. I found myself in that very situation yesterday, and like wild fire, it quickly spread, in my favorite little world of Plurk. You would have...

Autumn Days

Autumn is my favorite time of the year, although a friend will remind me that the Romans found it so inconsequential that they did not even offer up a name to this brief time of the year. It is on that foot that I begin this post. I am watching the days grow shorter...

Useless information, IF only you knew…

I saw this on one of the many blogs I read, I am sorry - I do not remember which one.  I think it might have been on Perpstu's weblog... but if it was not, I apologize for plagerizing! Can you tell that I am getting more than a bit bored with the recovery process? ...



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