Thoughts for a Monday | 3.14.22

Thoughts for a Monday | 3.14.22

Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Truer words were never spoken, no? The weather certainly brought that point home in my neighborhood this weekend,,,with an exclamation point! We have had rain, snow (the official total is...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

In Honor of St. Brigid's Day

I found this most appropriate of poems for the Blogland Silent Poetry Reading Day.... Enjoy... Sheep     Thousands of sheep, soft-footed, black-nosed sheep-- one by one going up the hill and over the fence--one by one four-footed pattering up and over--one by one...

Damn, This Traffic Jam….

I really need James Taylor in my car singing to me this morning while I was driving to school on the road with 10,000 idiots. Here is a question for all of you... how come the idiots all get on the road at 7AM? And, why doesn't anyone know how to drive????? So, my...


Well, in a world where every other day we get a blanket of white this knitter is fighting back with some blankets of a different kind! I am working on blankets - the Manos Four Season Throw - in lovely Autumnal colors... This is for the knit along that Country Needle...

B is for Blizzards and Bobbins…

B is for Blizzards and Bobbins…

If you seek a pleasant peninsula, you might want to head to Florida this morning.  If you can get there from here, that is. All of West Michigan is having some difficulty in travel today.  Yesterday we had that nice, if brief, January Thaw - and over night Old Man...

It's a roller coaster world….

The weather has warmed up considerably.  The snow is almost all melted.  So, the 2 feet or so that we had is but a few crusty inches.  And, I have a river running through my back yard which is quite lovely, not! Currently it is 46 degrees outside (that is Farenheit...

Day One is now over or Button, Button who's got the button.

Day One is now over or Button, Button who's got the button.

Homework - done. Dinner - done. Laundry - done. Knitting time - you have got to be kidding me! Who'd of ever thunk that I'd find myself at the end of a day and not wanting to pick up a knitting needle and while away the time knitting. That day has arrived, gentle...



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