Some January RIFFing | 1.12.24

Some January RIFFing | 1.12.24

It has been a relatively quiet week here... Steve was back to "regular" work hours (whew!) and I found the time to knit myself to "fresh" yarn (as Carole so brilliantly put it!) on the Great Cabled Cardigan! And I have been having great fun "unpacking" my word for the...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Sometimes Monday | 4.11.22

Sometimes Monday | 4.11.22

Is for lists of things... good and not so great. I would ask you if you want the good or the not so great first, but since you are not here... I will get the not so great out of the way. If your Monday is Monday enough without any more not so great, please skip ahead...

Museum of Me | April 2022

Museum of Me | April 2022

In a perfect world, I would read all instructions clearly. Sigh. That's right. Last month I shared a job I used to have... which is this month's prompt. So... This month, I am sharing something I collect...which was last month's prompt! Anyways, I have a deep love for...

Thursday’s are for Poetry | 4.7.22

Thursday’s are for Poetry | 4.7.22

This week's theme is hope. Whew. What a week for hope, huh? He that lives upon hope will die fasting. — Benjamin Franklin I have always thought that hope was a singular thing... something you had inside you... or had to find inside you. Or if you could not find it...

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.6.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.6.22

I did not plan on being 'absent' on Monday... but the news out of Ukraine put a damper on my planned post for the day. For me, it seemed that sharing something in light of the news out of Bucha just seemed... wrong. And while it does not seem any better to share such...

Currently | 4.1.22

Currently | 4.1.22

Welcome to the Second Quarter, Gentle Readers! I am wondering how on earth I am welcoming April... no fooling! This year seems to be moving at a pace slightly faster than warp speed... sigh. However, my Blog Calendar tells me that today is the day for my Currently...

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.30.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.30.22

Greetings Unraveler's and Happy Wednesday! I have been very productive since we last talked! I spent some time going through my stash... and I culled quite a few things. So now when I look in my "Yarn Cupboard" I can clearly see what is there, and it has been...



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