A Gathering of Poetry | November 2023

A Gathering of Poetry | November 2023

I read poetry every day... often by random authors as I page through a poetry anthology. But lately, I have been focused on one spectacular poet, Naomi Shihab Nye. I am fortunate that my library has LOTS of her books! Today, with no explanation... one amazing poem by...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Renewed and refreshed? | 8.23.21

Renewed and refreshed? | 8.23.21

Just to show you all how completely out of sync my brain is... I thought that today was the day to update you all on my word. Good thing that I have one more week for that so that I can try and do something with my word this month because I have basically avoided my...

Good Things Friday | 8.13.21

Good Things Friday | 8.13.21

My plan was to post something this morning to let you all know that I will be taking a little blogging break next week. I am not going anywhere, but I am in need of a recharge of my brain...creativity...etc. But last night some huge storms rolled in and with one very...

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.11.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.11.21

It has been a slow week for making this week. But!! I am on my second sleeve and happy to have this easy to pick up and put down project right now. But it is just all so much of a grey blob, isn't it? I thought I'd share the ribbon I found to cover the steeks... I...

Sometimes Monday | 8.9.21

Sometimes Monday | 8.9.21

Is for seeking input! Last week we had a wee break in the heat and humidity, but that all ended over the weekend. This week is supposed to be warm and so humid. But that break...it makes me think about moving out of this season and easing into autumn. It's been such a...

Good things, with a side of food for thought | 8.6.21

Good things, with a side of food for thought | 8.6.21

An overly full week is winding down. Stress seems to be intent on becoming the center of our lives... and I pondered in my morning meditations if my fighting against the stress was causing more stress than acknowledging the stress and moving on around it. (I am pretty...

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.4.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.4.21

Greetings dear Unravelers! How on earth is it possibly August??? I have a finish this week, yes Shakerag is done! And I love it very much and am contemplating making another one! Shoulder seaming woes and all! Yes... it was a bitch and a half to seam... somehow the...



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