Sometimes Monday | 4.22.24

Sometimes Monday | 4.22.24

The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. — Lady Bird Johnson Earth Day 2024... it seems somehow more important after a winter that wasn't really winter. And spring, well... she has been springing....

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.24.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.24.24

Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy Wednesday to you all! It has been a study in slow making in my house since last week... very slow. I have not knit a single stitch on my cabled sweater... I know, I know! I have been stitching... which is so delightful but it is...

Sometimes Monday | 1.22.24

Sometimes Monday | 1.22.24

Is so random! Here in the 'Burgh we have had winter for a hot minute but all that changes this week as we are looking at temps soaring into the 50's... sigh. That means all the snow we got will melt... we had some melting yesterday which turned the steps to get...

A Gathering of Poetry | 1.18.24

A Gathering of Poetry | 1.18.24

One of the best things in my week are the moments that I allow a poem to set the tone for my day. This year, I am reading through Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby R. Wilson's Poetry of Presence II as my morning devotion. And last week, a poem really jumped out to me... bits...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.17.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.17.24

Greetings gentle Unravelers! When I look at a weather map, almost the entire US looks plunged in cold... and knitters everywhere knit on with a bit of delight! Right? I know I did... Sock One is DONE! and Sock Two is moving right along. I shall have pink socks soon!...

Sometimes Monday | 1.15.2024

Sometimes Monday | 1.15.2024

Brings answers! Last week, a few of you asked me questions and I have answers! Carolyn asked these burning questions: "That photo, what a treat!!! With your phone? Or serious camera?" I took that photo with my phone, which I think is a very serious camera! (Why?...

Some January RIFFing | 1.12.24

Some January RIFFing | 1.12.24

It has been a relatively quiet week here... Steve was back to "regular" work hours (whew!) and I found the time to knit myself to "fresh" yarn (as Carole so brilliantly put it!) on the Great Cabled Cardigan! And I have been having great fun "unpacking" my word for the...



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