Friday Finds | 3.8.24

Friday Finds | 3.8.24

Happy Friday everyone! I am still on fire from Joe's speech last night... it was so so good! Yes, I stayed up past my bedtime to watch the entire thing! (My favorite moment... Joe putting SCOTUS on notice! LOL The Best!!) But there were some "finds" this week that...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Sometimes Monday | 2.20.23

Sometimes Monday | 2.20.23

Is a continuation of the weekend. I thought I'd share some of the things that have made my weekend extra wonderful! First, I saw this on IG and I had a batch of focaccia in the fridge... so on Saturday I did a bit of a riff on it. One russet potato, a couple of...

Mid-Winter Friday Finds | 2.17.23

I don't know about you, but I have found since I turned the "50's" corner, I have struggled mightily each year with an ever worsening case of the dreaded Dry Winter Skin! Usually, by mid-February, there is not enough moisturizer in North America to make a difference....

A Gathering of Poetry | 2.16.23

A Gathering of Poetry | 2.16.23

I read the poem I am sharing today earlier in the month and I did not know then how much these words would help me as the month progressed. I have memorized these words – it was simple to do so – and they have become my litany of hope as February has had some daunting...

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.15.23

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.15.23

Greetings Gentle Unravelers! I am still feeling behind on sleep from a weekend of insomnia, but I got one good nights sleep and (at this writing) have my fingers crossed for a second. But I wanted to catch you all up from the past two weeks of making!! I am roughly...

Sometimes Monday | 2.13.23

Sometimes Monday | 2.13.23

Brings a slow start thanks to a bad bout of insomnia this weekend. Ugh. So I am easing myself into the week gently, with an extra cup of coffee before I begin the "Monday Chores." But there is sunshine again today! And I have some weekend embroidery wheels to catch up...

A Few Good Things | 2.10.23

A Few Good Things | 2.10.23

Hello Friday... it's been a week where my motto has been this: "The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get" I have felt like I have been playing catch up all week but there were a few good things. Thing One: I have had tremulous buds on my snow drops for weeks and I...



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