Unraveled Wednesday | 4.6.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.6.22

I did not plan on being 'absent' on Monday... but the news out of Ukraine put a damper on my planned post for the day. For me, it seemed that sharing something in light of the news out of Bucha just seemed... wrong. And while it does not seem any better to share such...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Wacky Wednesday it is!

Okay, so the weatherman has discovered Nirvanna here in West Michigan. However, if you have to drive in this stuff, it is not as much fun! We have gotten multiple inches of rain, sleet, and snow today.  Multiple inches approaching double digits! Yeah.  Hooray. It is...

So now it is Super Tuesday?

Super Sunday followed by a so so Monday and now it is Super Tuesday again? So, I am calling it for tomorrow - Wacky Wednesday! Wacky weather - it was raining tonight - now it is sleeting - soon to be snowing. And it seems we are in for a large volume of snowfall....

Brain Drain

That would be me - drained of my brain... I had my final on the book portion of my class today. I hate trick questions - I mean really.  Hate. Them. Anyways - I got an 88% on my final which gives me a cumulative score of 95% thus far. I am not disappointed in that at...

Super Sunday?

Well, it was a busy day here at "The Home For The Unemployed" - lots of work to get done and lots of reading to do for school tomorrow. I did find time to read the Sunday Paper, and there was an excellent commentary by Garrison Keillor that was extremely thought...

In Honor of St. Brigid's Day

I found this most appropriate of poems for the Blogland Silent Poetry Reading Day.... Enjoy... Sheep     Thousands of sheep, soft-footed, black-nosed sheep-- one by one going up the hill and over the fence--one by one four-footed pattering up and over--one by one...

Damn, This Traffic Jam….

I really need James Taylor in my car singing to me this morning while I was driving to school on the road with 10,000 idiots. Here is a question for all of you... how come the idiots all get on the road at 7AM? And, why doesn't anyone know how to drive????? So, my...



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