Unraveled Wednesday | 10.11.23

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.11.23

Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! For me, this is the Day Before Vacation and so I have a bit of housekeeping to share with you all. First, next week there will be an Unraveled post... it will be a bit different... i.e. I have it already written, so there...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Intentional Avoidance | 10.27.20

Intentional Avoidance | 10.27.20

I am joining Honoré again this month to share an update on my word. Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen Hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is...

Monday Magic | 10.26.20

Monday Magic | 10.26.20

We are the ones we have been waiting for. — The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation I have been in dire need of a shake up here at my blog and late last week some inspiration struck. It started with a quote by a some unknown genius: It's just another Magic Monday and...

TGIF | 10.23.20

TGIF | 10.23.20

It is me, or do the weeks somehow seem longer. I don't know why that is, but boy… this week felt so.darned.long! I am chalking this up to the fact that COVID-emic-ELECTION days are some of the longest days ever, amirite? Anyways, this week felt like the perfect time...

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.21.20

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.21.20

Dear Unravelers, Do you ever feel like you are in a "making" rut? I am in a huge making rut and it really sucks! I have things to knit that I want to finish, but boy... there is just no joy in the making right now. (FYI, the following links are to projects on Ravelry)...

Sometimes Monday | 10.19.20

Sometimes Monday | 10.19.20

Weeks that feel unending makes for a fly-by weekend...or at least that is how it seemed here. The weekend was over before it began. But maybe not... because I got so much done! My planner set up is working wonderfully and it feels good to have everything together....

Friday Things | 10.16.20

Friday Things | 10.16.20

Overnight, the weather has changed...dramatically. Yesterday it was windy and mild... today grey, rainy, and much cooler. It seems that this prediction is spot on, lol... I am shocked because that rarely happens! Oh, and it seems that there is some *snow* in the...



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