Unraveled Wednesday | 4.20.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.20.22

Very little knitting has happened since last week but that is not necessarily a bad thing! Instead we have been braving the windy cold weather and trekking all over Presque Isle in Erie PA! Yesterday we even "enjoyed" the lake effect flurries that joined us on a very...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Just Franquemont-ize me, please.

Just Franquemont-ize me, please.

Gentle Reader yesterday was a big day. A teacher and friend had a book signing of her newly release Respect the Spindle. A book with all her years of experience poured out on the pages. The signing appropriately happened at Mecca. It was a banner day, why even the...

How the Grinch Stole Health Care?

Well, Gentle Readers, it appears that Joe is up to his neck in alligators yet again! Yes, Joe is making waves yet again on the Health Care Reform bill that has valiantly made its way from the House of Representatives with nary a battle scar only to find Joe Lieberman...

Say it ain't so Joe!

I am not sure what Senator Lieberman thinks he is accomplishing by putting himself on an island, but he is not on the “win friends and influence people” track at all, in my opinion. When I heard on the news that Joe was not going to support any public option in the...

Grey day #987

Autumn has been unbelievably grey here in West Michigan, interspersed with days of rain. The sun has evidently gone on an extended holiday. However, the foliage has taken up the cause and has been doing an amazing job of bringing color to the grey days. The veritable...

Autumnal thoughts…

My writing mojo seems to have abruptly departed and we have gone from balmy days with the ceiling fans gently stirring a subtle breeze to having had to turn the heat on, and all before the end of September. I cannot recall ever having to turn the heat on this early....



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