Unraveled Wednesday | 4.13.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.13.22

This week a knitting milestone... I have reached Cruising Altitude on my Tegna. Yep. I am cruising along with miles of stockinette... which makes it the perfect pick up and put down knit! So I have gotten lots of minutes of knitting in! Washing machine going...pick up...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

How can it be Thursday already???

Panic is surely setting in here as the days of unemployment draw to a close. How the heck can it be Thursday already???? I wonder if I find a horn and march around outside blowing it loudly that I can stop time for a bit!  Well, it worked for Joshua in Jericho - a...

Manic Monday

Hello Everyone.  There is great excitement here at The Home For The Unemployed!  This is the last Monday of unemployment! Can you hardly stand it?!? That's right, next week Monday I will be sitting in orientation at my new job! So, this week I will be a woman on a...

In which there is some knitting content!

Hello everyone!  I am hoping that your Easter, be it white and covered in snow or bursting forth with spring flowers, has filled your day with joy!  In our house the day began with Son-rise worship followed by Easter Breakfast prepared by the youth group.  And, while...

I'm Dreaming of a White Easter…

Excuse me, but I believe that yesterday was the Vernal Equinox - Spring - end of winter - etc. Well, someone forgot to tell Old Man Winter that because he blew in this afternoon and deposited 12 inches of snow and it is still coming down!  The wind is howling and...

Random Hilarity

Hello everyone!  Hope your week is rolling along smoothly. Yesterday I  accompanied Sandy to Ann Arbor - her husband is not feeling great and he was admitted to the hospital for some tests.  Check in was something else.  There was this hysterical, and I mean...

Spinning fun!

Hello everyone! Last night Sandy and I went to spin with the Woodland Spinners.  It was great fun!  What an upbeat group of talented spinners!  I even met someone who is a new spinner like me!  She started spinning in August when she took a class at Allegan Fiber...



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